
iLocal News Archives

No data available for traffic enforcement

Although the media have been asking for statistics for the traffic enforcement from the Royal Cayman Islands Police Service (RCIPS), specifically the cellphone use, they have not been in a position to provide this data immediately.

Superintendent Adrian Seales said:

“Our officers are still out on the road and we are in the process of collating the data. However at this stage we are encouraged that the majority of people seem to be adhering to the law by either using hands-free kits, or not using the cellphones at all. It’s clear that the education we have carried out with our partners in other agencies, the media and cellphone companies has, so far, been relatively successful. However, be assured that we will continue to rigorously enforce the law and target those who fail to abide by it.”

In a RCIPS release they said they will issue a comprehensive release on Monday (24) containing statistics for the whole weekend as well as last Friday (21) when the new traffic regulations came into force.


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