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No new cases of Dengue confirmed since January in the Cayman Islands

dengue01Dengue Update as of 6 April 2013

(for four weeks from 10 March to 6 April)

•          Total cases investigated for dengue in 2012 was 94 with 37 being positive for dengue, 4 inconclusive and 53 negative. As of 6 April there have been 49 investigations in 2013 with 6 positives, 40 negatives and 3 results pending.

•          Since the last update as of 9 March, 2013, there have been 4 new cases under investigation for dengue — 1 from West Bay, 2 from George Town and 1 from North Side. None had a travel history to an endemic area.

•            Three results were received since the last update from the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA). All of them  were negative. The last positive case for this year 2013 remains the one with the onset on 25 January, 2013.

•          The total results received thus far are: 140 cases with results (43 positives, 93 negatives, and 4 inconclusive).

•          Weekly reported cases under investigation were: 2 during 17-23 February, 3 during 24 February – 2 March, none during 3-9 March, 1 each during the weeks of 10-16 March & March 17-23; none during 24-30 March and 2 during 30 March – 6 April. All tested negative except for 3 results pending. With this trend, although cases may occur sporadically, with the last positive case for this year 2013 (although result of one case is pending) being the one with the onset on 25 January, 2013, it is considered that the outbreak of this season came to an end as reported earlier. No further updates will be given, unless significant changes do occur.

The following information is the same as last update on 9 March, 2013.

•          Of the 43 confirmed cases, 12 had reported a travel history to endemic countries and 31 had no travel history, suggesting that they acquired the dengue locally.

•          Distribution of all confirmed cases: West Bay 33, George Town 6 and Bodden Town 4.

•          Out of the 12 with travel history: 7 from West Bay; 3 from George Town, and 2 from Bodden Town.

•          Of the 31 without travel history: 26 from West Bay, 3 from George Town and 2 from Bodden Town.

•          Total hospital admissions: 31.

From the Cayman Islands Public Health Department



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