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Older Persons Take Centre Stage

GT snrswebThe Cayman Islands’ month-long celebration of older persons gets underway today (Tuesday 1 October 2013).


Organisers selected this year’s national theme: Listening to Our Older Persons, to recognize the contributions that seniors have made, and continue to make in the community.


To mark the start of festivities, approximately 150 seniors (over the age of 60) from across the islands gathered for a luncheon at the University College of the Cayman Island’s (UCCI’s) Sir Vassel Johnson Hall.


They enjoyed a lively afternoon filled with praise and worship, as well as musical performances by various groups and individuals along with other local acts. Ms OlivewebCayman National Bank sponsored the lunch while members of the Lions Club helped to serve the guests. Volunteers ranged from members of the Lions Club, Royal Cayman Islands Police and other persons from the community.


Expanding on the role that of older persons play within society, Councillor Alva Suckoo – on behalf of Premier and Minister of Home & Community Affairs Hon Alden McLaughlin, MBE, JP – said during the luncheon, Prep High bandweb“Without their contributions, we would lose our connection to our heritage, our culture and our sense of who we are.”


“Our seniors are equipped with a wealth of knowledge. All we have to do is ask them”, added Mr Suckoo.


Rollinwifeweb A key focus of the annual observance is to ensure that adequate opportunities are in place to keep seniors vibrant.


“Although many continue to make a positive difference through voluntary work, we need to create permanent and sustainable activities for older persons so they can maintain active contributors to society,” said Director of DCFS Alicia (Jen) Dixon.

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Other events planned this month include a tea party at the Governor’s House, as well as more social gatherings throughout most districts.

For further information on Older Person’s Month or for a full list of activities, please contact DCFS at 949-0290, or visit

WB snrswebPhoto captions: Photos by Information Officer Yvette Cacho

1.         Group shot of attendees.

2.         Mr Rollin Ebanks & wife.

3.         West Bay seniors.

4.         Cayman Prep & High School Musical band perform during the ceremony.

5.         George Town seniors.

6.         Lorna & Friends acting out a funny skit.

7.         Ms Olive Miller (right) seen with guest.



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