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Celebrate-your-Birthday-in-the-Sky16 extremely fun ways to celebrate your birthday

By Jenny Smith From Olwomen

Remember as a child you would start dreaming about your birthday party from at least a week before. There would be a list of things you would want from magazines or commercials, ice-cream, cakes, balloons and smiles. Yes we know you are too old for musical chairs and passing the pillow, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun anymore. There are still a lot of fun things to do for your birthday.

Some years you might just want to play it low key, whereas on some others you might want to let the whole world know you are turning 30! Whatever tickles your fancy we have got you covered. If your birthday is just around the corner it is time that you might start giving hints to your friends or sweetheart as well.

“Remember as a child you would start dreaming about your birthday party from at least a week before. There would be a list of things you would want from magazines or commercials, ice-cream, cakes, balloons and smiles. Yes we know you are too old for musical chairs and passing the pillow, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun anymore.”

16. Celebrate Your Birthday In The Sky
Celebrate your Birthday in the SkyYes, this is something a little different. How about going for a private plane or chopper ride? It doesn’t have to be long, especially if you are short on time this is something ideal. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could watch the sunset over the skyline from high above? Any guys looking for ideas to surprise that special someone, take a hint. As her face will glow from the setting sun hitting your face, you will know you’ve made the day unforgettable.

A few things you could do

You might want to grab a bottle of wine and some snacks.
You could take a one way chopper ride and maybe have a picnic at the end.
You should carry a small blanket or something in which you and your sweetheart can snuggle if the temperature gets low.

15. Get A Hotel Room For The Night
Get a Hotel Room for the NightGo stay at your favorite hotel for one night. This would be a very refreshing change if you are not one of those who like throwing parties and your idea of fun is plain relaxation. The pros:

You can sleep as late as you want to, no need to worry about making the bed
Enjoy a nice breakfast in your room, my favorite part about staying in a hotel
If the room has a view, it is another plus
Complete your day of relaxation by visiting the hotel’s spa or just go be more lazy in the Jacuzzi.

14. Do An Act Of Kindness
Do an Act of KindnessA random act of kindness goes a long way and is never wasted. It is your special day, why don’t you go and make someone else’s day beautiful. When you go out to spread smiles, trust us by the end of the day it would be you who will be smiling the brightest. Here are some things you can do:

If you are turning 20, how about you make a list of 20 random acts of kindness
You could share a coffee or lunch with homeless person on the street
Visit an old age home or shelter and just listen to their stories
If you know people around you need some pick me up, why don’t you go and share your joy with them
If you don’t have the time or are unsure about how to go about this, you could simply donate to one of the causes or charities you care about.

13. Have A Day Out
Have a Day OutRemember how excited you would get at the mention of the word picnic as a kid. How about you gather your husband and kids, or boyfriend or even your BFFs and go for a picnic. This can be one of the different kinds of fun things to do on your birthday. You could go to quiet park, catch some sun at the beach or even go sit by a lake, whatever it is that you prefer. This is an excellent way to spend some quality time with your loved ones. Boyfriends and husbands if you are looking for birthday celebration ideas for your lady love, surprise her with this. When she sees all the effort you’ve put in, she is sure to be impressed. Some things you could do:

You could do a bar-b-queue
You could grab simple sandwiches or snacks to keep it simple
You could take along Frisbee or a ball
Make this day about bonding and doing fun activities together.
“A random act of kindness goes a long way and is never wasted. It is your special day, why don’t you go and make someone else’s day beautiful. When you go out to spread smiles, trust us by the end of the day it would be you who will be smiling the brightest.”

12. Be A Grown Up Kid
Be a Grown up KidThere were always things you wanted to do as a kid, but couldn’t or something you absolutely miss from those golden years. How about you gather a bunch of friends and do them on your birthday. We are sure when growing up every year you would ask yourself “what should I do for my birthday”, well how about you do just that thing this year? Common, set yourself lose and frolic in some careless fun with your gang and be a kid for a day. We are giving you ideas about some of the things you could do.

Have a laser tag party
Spend the day at the carnival riding the roller coaster and stuffing your mouth with cotton candy
How about a character theme party, with your favorite character showing up the door?
How about calling a magician, though you know all the secrets behind his tricks now, we are sure it’ll be a blast.

11. Go Camping
Go CampingIf you’re an outdoorsy kind of a girl, this is for you. If you have ever been part of a boot camp or girls scout, relive those memories. This is your chance to just leave behind your facebook and Instagram and enjoy the marvels of nature. You could ask some friends to come along or go just with your significant other. Why do we say this?

You will get a chance to be close to nature, seeing the color green releases endorphins, which is a stress busting hormone
You can just unplug from the busy world and completely relax
It can give you a chance to spend undivided time with your boyfriend or hubby dearest, which you get very rarely otherwise
Your chance to be intimate under the night sky.

10. Have A Game Night
Have a Game NightThings have really changed in the past couple of years. Families or friends rarely sit together for a game night; it has been replaced by social games and activities which keep you engrossed. How about this birthday you gather your friends or family do it old fashioned style! Trust us; this would turn out to be one of the most fun things to do on your birthday. Some things to remember:

Make sure there is food and drinks for fuel. No need to arrange something fancy, you could even order pizza
There is a plethora of board games to choose from, such as Monopoly, Life, Scrabble, Pay Day, Backgammon or Chess
You could also play Dumb Charades, Twister or Cluedo
If you prefer you can get a deck of cards and play any of the games that you enjoy.

9. Date Night In
Date Night InIf you are really tired, or cannot take out time from your schedule, how about a date night at home! If you have kids you could ask a friend or your parents to watch them, and if not then just you and your sweetheart enjoy relaxing and being lazy by yourselves. Sometimes it is good to just unwind and linger around in your pajamas.

You don’t have to worry about dressing up or being late
You could just rent one of your favorite movies and watch one as a blast from the past
Order food or get take away, keep this night hassle free
You could even get some vine and massage oils and just be intimate without a worry in the world.

8. Pamper Yourself
Most important is massageThere is nothing like getting pampered and spending a whole day at the spa. There would be hardly anyone of us busy bees who would mind getting relaxed like that. There is a variety of treatments to choose from; whether you want a massage, facial, manicure or a pedicure. Some ideas for your day at the spa.

You could book yourself and guy for a couple’s message, guys hint hint!!
Go on a spa date with your girls, catch up on all the gossip as you sip on your green tea
If you want to completely unwind, having sometime all by yourself is not a bad idea either.
At the end of it all you are pampered, relaxed and refreshed.
“There were always things you wanted to do as a kid, but couldn’t or something you absolutely miss from those golden years.”

7. Check Your Bucket List
Check your bucket ListAt some point or the other in our lives we all created a bucket list. Even if yours has been long forgotten go back to it. Try to check out at least one item from your list. It could be absolutely anything at all, a secret wish, an aspiration a dream you had growing up. If you don’t have one as yet, common girls! Bring out that notepad and pen and start jotting. To help you make one here are some starter points:

Think of that one thing you had always wanted to do
It could be one thing you wanted to experience
It could be a place you wanted to visit
It could be a skill you wanted to learn
It could even be buying something.

6. Go On A Road Trip
Rood TripsThe spontaneous vacations I took with my friends in college are still some of the best times of my life. There is nothing like when you are travelling carefree, are on the road taking pit stops whenever you feel like. Everyone is in a joyous mood. To forget about our daily routine and be able to relive some of those old memories can be one of the most fun things to do for your birthday.

Is there a long weekend coming?
Plan where and with whom you’d like to go
Pack your bags
And leave
Don’t think or plan too much, there is nothing like spontaneity and adventure.

5. Have A Themed Party
Have a Themed PartyThis is something which requires some time, money and effort but hey what the heck? It is not like you have your birthday every day. If you have them all go for this. It is so exciting to have a theme party where everyone has to dress according to the theme, and a well planned décor, food and music simply mesmerizes your guests. Once your party would be a total hit, you never know you might want to throw another one. Some ideas:

The Swinging 60’s. There is just something about those bell bottoms, winged eyeliners and big hair, which I can’t get over. The music will have all your guests tapping their feet in no time.
Vegas Theme. You can have a casino like back drop with poker tables spread everywhere. You could even ask some dancers to come in with a nice bar in one corner.
Bollywood Party. We all love the bollywood music and energy. The outfits are so colorful and everything is somehow so bright that your guests would naturally have a good time. You also have a wide variety of food to choose from.
Some other ideas for you theme party could be, Hollywood, some movie like Star Wars or Grease, Hawaiian, masquerade, prom and much more.

4. Hit A Karaoke Bar
Hit a Karaoke BarNo celebration is complete without music, and when you are making your own there is nothing like it. Karaoke bars make one of the most fun celebrations ever. If you are too shy to sing in front of a crowd, you could simply use a karaoke machine in your own living room. Still not convinced,

It’s something offbeat
Everyone is there just to have fun, you don’t need to be no Adele or Taylor Swift
Admit it we have all sung in front of the mirror at some point in our lives with our hair brushes as our microphones, this is your chance to do the real thing.

3. Learn Something New
Learn Something NewYou are never too old to learn and experiment. How about this birthday you sign up for a class and try to learn something new.

You could try an art and craft or painting class
You could try to brush up on your culinary skills
Learn a new language
Go for sky driving or parasailing if your city has those
How about getting up the saddle and learning horse riding?

2. Spend A Day Doing Something You Love
Spend a Day Doing Something You LoveHey it is your big day, so it should be about you right? Yes, if you don’t want to be surrounded by people go do that thing which you absolutely love. It could be your favorite hobby or past time or anything which gives you sheer joy.

It could be reading, gardening, painting
Spending a day at the beach
Remember, this is about you so ask yourself what is that one thing you want to do the most but can’t due to time restrains.

1. Have A Birthday Brunch
Have a Birthday BrunchBrunches are my favorite kind of gatherings. It is that time of the day when everyone already has had their first cup of coffees, they are more relaxed and there is just so much variety in food. You could have it at home, it could be a one dish sort of a thing where everybody brings in something or you could have it at some fashionable brunch spot. The choice is yours. Plus points for a brunch

One of the best ways to kick start your birthday, surrounded by your favorite people and food
A great way to have all your loved ones or the people with whom you would like to celebrate gathered in one place.
A Few Things to Remember

It is your day, so it should be celebrated in a way you would enjoy the most
Don’t forget a little spontaneity and adventure are the spice of life
Low key celebrations can be fun too, you don’t have to go all out to have fun
If you want to plan out anything grand, it is always better to let your friends and family know in advance so they may book your day in their calendars.

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