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OMG that’s my face: Woman finds a stranger who looks exactly like her

twins-640x360By Tim Chester From Mashable

LONDON — Those two people above are different humans, and they’re not related.

It might sound unbelievable, but they’re really “twin strangers” and the person on the left, who reckons we all have some, can help you find yours.

26-year-old Niamh Geaney from Dublin recently set out to find her doppelgänger, inspired by journalist Sophie Robehmed, who found her living likeness back in 2011.

She made a bet with her two friends, Terence Manzanga and Harry English, to see who could find their most spooky lookalike within 28 days. They set up the Twin Strangers Facebook page, calling for anyone who looked like them to get in touch, and thanks to someone called Karen Branigan, she’s clearly in the lead.

Screen-Shot-2015-04-16-at-09.49.341-640x363Branigan, who lives less than an hour away, got in touch and the pair met up to see just how similar they were.

“For the entire duration of our encounter I pretty much stared at her,” Geaney said. “I couldn’t get over her face, and some of the expressions she would pull I would think to myself or say aloud, ‘Oh my God that’s my face’.”

“I knew what search I was embarking on. I’m the weirdo that contacted Karen out of the blue and asked her to meet me in person.”

Between them the two women have nine siblings, none of whom look alike.

The Twin Strangers campaign is ongoing, but her two friends haven’t found quite such uncanny matches.

However, their page repeats the old adage that there are seven people in the world who look exactly like you, and they’re offering to help match up lookalikes.

You can send your own photo to them on Facebook and they promise to upload it to an album to try and match you with a stranger. Be careful what you wish for, though, as you might end up with an evil twin.

Niamh Geaney and her doppelganger Karen Branigan are twin strangers. IMAGE: YOUTUBE
Harry’s matches haven’t been quite as impressive.

For more on this story and video go to:


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