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OPINION: Time to put Saint Vincent and the Grenadines FIRST

By Nathan Green. October 05, 2020.

The Vincentian people are sick and tired of being put in second, third, or fourth place by Ralph Gonsalves and the Unity Labour Party.

In first place is Cuba, in second place Venezuela, it is a tossup who occupies the third and fourth place, but it certainly is not SVG, perhaps his family and dynasty occupy those places. But it is the ignorant and the paid Vincentian collaborators who have allowed this to happen.

The Cubans were paid enormous amounts of money to build Argyle International Airport [AIA]. But unlike a commercial contractor, no formal agreement existed. That was a significant loss to SVG because AIA was a three to a four-year project, which took the Cubans nine years to complete. Had that of been a commercial contractor with a commercial contract, the overrun time would have been penalised under the terms of the contract for overrun time. If those penalties existed, I doubt if there would have been overrun.

But the same thing happened to the new specialist hospital at Kingstown. Cubans built it, and again there was a 5-year overrun. Today they are involved in running it, whilst our nurses must find work abroad.

Remember, time is money, when there is an overrun on a project, it means that the lateness of completion causes a loss of revenue and loss of use of the facility. In the case of the clinic, perhaps loss of Vincentian life because the Kingstown hospital does not have the same facilities that Georgetown has.

Employing Cubans via the Cuban government is tantamount to slavery, accompanied by money laundering and trafficking. Those Cubans who worked in SVG, and who are currently working in SVG were not and are not paid directly. SVG pays the Cuban government, who then pay the Cubans about 20% of those payments, keeping the 80%. They did not even pay them their little part of the money in Saint Vincent; they paid them in Cuba. That, of course, meant they had no opportunity of spending their wages in Saint Vincent.

There was no job at all that a Vincentian in SVG or from the diaspora could not have done that a Cuban did. The difference being all those multi-millions paid to the Cubans, instead of being spent by the workers in Cuba or snatched by the Cuban government, would have been spent in SVG. The damage this did to our economy is unbelievable.

Last year a complaint by ‘Prisoners Defenders’ sent on May 10, 2019, to the United Nations a formal complaint with all the evidence and 110 testimonies, two United Nations Special Rapporteurships, the Special Rapporteurship on contemporary forms of slavery, including its causes and consequences, and the Office of the Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, especially women and children, are taxative when condemning the facts, and have indicated in an extensive report that “the reported working conditions could rise to forced labour, according to the forced labour indicators established by the International Labor Organization. Forced labour constitutes a contemporary form of slavery.”

Also, they indicate how Cuba’s legislation punishes with eight years in prison for doctors if they decide to change jobs or not returning to Cuba, and how they are prevented from seeing family members, or how contracts are withheld, or how more than 75% is confiscated from the doctor’s income, which “does not allow them to live with dignity“, or how Cuba makes them work more than “64 hours per week“ (160% of the maximum authorised by the ILO), how they have restricted and monitored their freedom of movement and the right to privacy or communications with nationals or foreigners, or how professionals reported receiving regular threats from Cuban state officials in destination countries and how Cuban medical women have suffered sexual harassment, among many other violations that the U.N. reports as happening by both received information submitted and “first-hand information”.

The complaint to which this procedure responds was drafted and filed by ‘Prisoners Defenders’, a European organisation whose leaders are European, and this complaint initiative was funded entirely by the person of its President, Javier Larrondo. ‘Prisoners Defenders’ detaches in this complaint any motivation except respect for human rights.

Cuba has NOT responded (consulted the publication on 06/01/2019 at 14:33 Madrid time), assuming with its lack of response what in the international legal system is called the “tacit acceptance of the accusations”, or “qui siluit quun loqui et decuit et protuit, consentire videtur ”, that is, if he who can and should speak does not do so, it must be concluded that he consents.

The United Nations Report, which says that the Cuban government are acting illegally.

Contemporary slavery, also known as modern slavery or neo-slavery, refers to institutional slavery that continues to occur in present-day society. Estimates of the number of slaves today range from around 21 million to 46 million, depending on the method used to form the estimate and the definition of slavery being used. The estimated number of slaves is debated, as there is no universally agreed definition of modern slavery; those in slavery are often difficult to identify, and adequate statistics are often not available. The International Labour Organization [ILO] estimates that, by their definitions, over 40 million people are in some form of slavery today. 24.9 million people are in forced labor, of whom 16 million people are exploited in the private sector such as domestic work, construction or agriculture; 4.8 million persons in forced sexual exploitation, and 4 million persons in forced labor imposed by state authorities. 15.4 million people are in forced marriage.

The United States about a year ago called on all nations to stop using Cuba’s medical missions, which send doctors around the world, saying that Cuba refused to pay the medical staff what they earned and held them against their will.

Cuba’s international medical missions are a form of human trafficking and modern slavery, U.S. State Department officials told a news conference in New York.

The Cubans have a health service that generates significant export earnings by sending more than 50,000 health workers to more than 60 countries. Those workers are under guard, passports removed, paid only part of what they earn whilst the Cuban government keeps the majority. They are in very real terms modern day slaves, of a slave master State.

In Brazil, President Jair Bolsonaro last year called the Cuban doctors “slave labour”, and Cuba in retaliation recalled its 8,300 medical workers stationed there.

Ms Ramona Matos, a Cuban doctor, seeking asylum in the U.S., confirmed it was slavery when she said she worked with medical missions in Bolivia and Brazil where Cuban security agents took away the doctors’ passports and other identification leaving them undocumented. They had no identity cards or papers; if anything happened to them, nobody would know who they were.

Nearly all the doctors’ earnings [only 20%of the real] were sent back to Cuba where they were frozen in accounts that they could not access until they completed their missions, she said. All of this, of course, designed to try and stop them from running away.

There is no doubt under the Cuban system, doctors and nurses were being trafficked, they are victims exploited and used by the Cuban government as slaves. They are still subjected to this treatment in Saint Vincent; we have a multitude of Cubans working here in SVG, all slaves of the Cuban government, trafficked to Saint Vincent to satisfy the political beliefs and wishes of Ralph Gonsalves, his way of helping the Cuban communist party and government.

The U.S. State Department has been carefully analysing where Cuban missions are practising, which is in at least 66 countries. One of those countries is Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, where the prime minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves is a Cuba system believer and is said by some to have been awarded a Cuban Communist Party honorary membership.

The U.S. government has publicised its criticisms of the Cuban medical missions so those host countries such as SVG “can’t say they weren’t aware that this was human trafficking.

An OAS report that Carlos Trujillo U.S. ambassador to the Organization of American States, said Nations where the Cuban medical missions are working need to end the practice. “Across the Americas, there are multiple countries that continue to have these programs,” he said.

Ambassador Trujillo said, “What we’re asking here is for a lot of the countries … who are continuing to traffic and conduct this type of activities with Cuban doctors in their countries to please stop.” But that has had no effect on Ralph Gonsalves of SVG, he loves the system and cannot wait to be made a hero by the Cubans.

SVG blatantly continues to receive trafficked Cubans and is fully aware of how the Cuban government keep their wages and pay them small wages in Cuba. We have a lot of trafficked Cuban slaves doing the work owed to Vincentians. Nearly 50% of Vincentian people without jobs, 45% of our youth unemployed, and we are giving those jobs to Cuban slaves because our prime minister says so?

Our people are enslaved in mind in SVG, no jobs, no work, and a below poverty payments to live on. They seem to be viewed as a nuisance; the leaders may even think they would be better off without them.

Several ex-Cuban doctors who were part of Cuba’s work abroad program, who fled and are now in the U.S., have filed a federal lawsuit in Florida against the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). This international agency brokered Cuba’s arrangement with Brazil. The doctors said PAHO, a division of the World Health Organization, was enabling the trafficking of medical professionals.

It is time that the U.S. thought about sanctioning the people in SVG responsible for employing the Cuban slaves, the trafficked, the Cuban victims of the Cuban government. It is time for paying reparations to the Cuban slaves, but first, they must be emancipated, and the slave masters punished.

Then perhaps under a new Vincentian government under a genuinely responsible government, we can make SVG number one and get our people back to work.


DISCLAMER: The opinion, belief and viewpoint expressed by the author do not necessarily reflect the opinion, belief and viewpoint of iNews Cayman/ or official policies of iNews Cayman/

IMAGE: Supplied


  1. One could not agree with you more, dear fellow, in respect to your following;
    To quote you: “The Vincentian people are sick and tired of being put in second, third, or fourth place by Ralph Gonsalves and the Unity Labour Party”

    “In first place is Cuba, in second place Venezuela, it is a tossup who occupies the third and fourth place, but it certainly is not SVG, perhaps his family and dynasty occupy those places. But it is the ignorant and the paid Vincentian collaborators who have allowed this to happen.” and as you have noted, those who benefit from patronage are hardly likely to sue for change!

    Moreover, the poorly educated bunch who receive cash benefits, “LOVE BOXES,” Goats and Pigs at election time are an excellent reservoir as a voting bank.

  2. Camillo Gonsalves has taken to telling us Vincentians that the 2020 elections are about ‘a lot of fundamental issues’ and he sure is correct, the first of which is the non-existence of JOBS in SVG, the absence of which, particularly for the young, is a damning indictment against the autocratic ULP regime. A regime that has joined itself at the hip with CUBA and VENEZUELA!

    Yet there is nothing unusual in that, as we could find the same situation with similar tyrannical autocratic regimes of which Iran, Nicaragua and North Korea immediately comes to mind.

    That the Gonsalves should chose to take SVG along the same path as these obnoxious regimes, is not at all surprising, since all but Iran, share the same sentiments as they, as did Adolf Hitler, Mao Zedong and Joseph Stalin. They have in mind tyrannical dictatorships with the denial of personal freedom!

    Who in St Vincent and the Grenadines do not take note of the Murry Family’s very sad plight? the like of which we find in Communist China, Cuba and Venezuela today.

    Another fundamental issue for us is the extensive growth in nepotism and crony capitalism during the Gonsalves questionable stewardship of SVG. In his recent opinion Post in “iwnsvg” headed “The state of play” Jomo Thomas reminds us as to where the Gonsalves family have taken us;

    “Poverty at 30%, daily begging of young and old on the streets, high unemployment rate (estimated to be over 40% of young people, and the hundreds of hagglers on the streets eking out a living, provide evidence of a developmental malaise……” therefore it is not at all surprising either that we after twenty years of the Gonsalves family regime that we are now the 4th poorest country in the Caribbean.

    What all these things indicate to us is that we need a fundamental change, change in another direction from where this autocratic family have taken us. Surely, we sure have had enough of their talk and misrule?

    I am again reminded of that British Prime Minister who reminded that nation how prosperity for the nation is arrived at

  3. While Ralph Gonsalves would like to portray himself on the world stage as both Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez all rolled into one, the true reality is that this old deluded and bloated wind-bag is nothing but a power hungry charlatan, a charlatan who would do anything to keep his hold onto power this as Vincentians slips further and further into more and more extensive poverty.

    After his 20 years in office, the country SVG remains the 4th poorest country in the Caribbean. And much like PAPA Doc who once ruled over Haiti, this self-styled PAPA too, well he treats SVG as his own personal fiefdom.

    The rise and fall of a Country’s economy, all depends on the policies its Government and policy makers seeks to follow in the case of Venezuela, which was not so long ago, the richest country in South America, we see now the result of its terrible decline, which is quite obvious to behold. A classic case of “riches to rags” in just a few short years! Why such a rapid decline? Mismanagement of its economy much like it is in SVG by the Gonsalves regime.

    Ralph Gonsalves, and his fellow Red-Shirts all have a way of saying one thing but doing otherwise, as some Vincentians have learned to expect from them over the past years.

    They offer Vincentians the earth throughout the year but only to deliver the odd Sheep, a Goat, a Pig, or perhaps a sack of cement or two at election time and this year expect a box of fruit and veg that they are calling a “LOVE BOX” but none of which has anything to do with distorting a “free and fair election”. No, it’s all to do with Labour Love!

    But if Ralph and his Red-Shirts won’t admit to where they have been taking the nation, see for yourself the disastrous example of Venezuela like CUBA, these Red-Shirts will have Vincentians sucking nothing but even more salt in the next few years to come.

    For sure, yet another term in office for this bunch of tyrannical autocrats will only have Vincentians begging the world over all over again. These Red-Shirts are absolutely clueless about the real realities of Economics. They are just a bunch of opportunist exploiting the hopes of the poor while leading them into even more poverty!

    Do the Maths with this hard working Cuban Doctor who earns $6 a day for a 12 hour work shift and whose only hope like most Vincentians, is to escape the drudgery by going abroad for better life chances.

  4. Hip, hip, hip hooray, Ralph Gonsalves has now called an Election for Guy Fox day but can anyone rely on it being free and fair? Not by a long Chalk!

    He has already unashamedly distributed his so-called LOVE BOXES delivered the Pigs, Goats and goodness knows what other else things, perhaps Cash too in the process, while telling Vincentians that he had consulted “the Lord” this while quoting scripture during his election announcement! Can one imaging such a thing? A tyrannical autocratic Stalinist quoting Scripture!

    Yet some men quote the Bible in order to give themselves credibility, others like to give us the impression that God was or is personally speaking to them. Fool you to be taken in by their weasel words.

    They would often say, I ask the Lord and the Lord told me but according to Reformed Christianity, Christian doctrines says that “God has stopped speaking to men directly” and if we wish to know what is God’s opinion for us is, then we need look at the “10 Commandments” for His explicit guidance in all actions.

    In being directed to The 10 Commandments, there we would find the perfect directions for our life. There we would find what perfect and acceptable actions in life is and also, what is not acceptable actions on our part, both to do and not to do, for as according to scripture, God has stopped speaking. See Hebrews 1:1-2 NKJV. He stopped speaking a very long time ago.

    Read: “God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, has in these last days spoken to us by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the worlds..” Why them would he change his mind? Is He not omniscient? See how He spoke; A) He spoke to men by the prophets and B) He has spoken again to men lastly by His Son.

    Reformed Christian Doctrine rule therefore is, having taken notice of the 10 Commandments, the rest is entirely up to us individually! To say that I ask God and God told me would not be in keeping in line with Reformed Christian Doctrine as the same would be wholly unscriptural and thus unbelievable! Quoting scripture is one thing knowing how to understand it is quite another.

  5. Indeed one must repeat an observational fact that Ralph Gonsalves, the self-styled Comrade, had recently taken to quoting the Bible in support of his Socialist/Communist ideology, but may one remind the Comrade, that Christianity, could never ever be in the same ball park as Communism or Socialism.

    This is so, for the very reason, that they represent totally differing and opposing moral authorities as the Russian experience had showed.

    For sure that fact is something all communist adherents knows only too well, and this for the very reason, that Socialist/Communist see the adhered to ideology, as the highest and only moral authority there is. That is why its founder of their ideology, Karl Marks, had this to say of religion; quote: “Religion is the opium of the people”! So repeated by todays Communist China equally.

    That the avowed adhered to ideology is the only moral authority, makes it as rather somewhat disingenuous of the Comrade to be forever quoting Biblical verses while seeking to justify his purported Socialist/Communist actions in his family-Government rule over SVG.

    He quotes the Bible in the hope of no doubt gaining acceptability for his questionable actions among Vincentian Christians, Christians who may not fully understand their Christian doctrines.

    The reality is, that the God given religion Christianity, and Socialist/Communist ideology are truly poles apart from one another, and never the twain can meet. See “The Ten Commandments” Exodus 20:1-17 New King James Version. God in his Wisdom, saw it fit, to give us Christianity and not Socialism.

    This tyrannical tyrant Ralph Gonsalves, calling himself the Comrade, will have a very hard job indeed in squeezing Christianity into his Socialist/Communist mould!

    Was the Comrade elected to reorder God’s world? Can God not do that for himself? Is God so impotent that He needed the Comrade to take away from the Murry family their land to redistribute as the Comrade sees it fit?

    Indeed, what was the Murry’s land, surely belonged to the Murry family, and was theirs to use, keep and to do with as they alone saw fitting under God’s Law!

    The Psalmist tells us “Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37:4 NKJV. What God gives each person is that person’s own. And his to keep and do with as he so pleases.

    God says: (“Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, That there may be food in My house, And try Me now in this,” Says the Lord of hosts, “If I will not open for you the windows of heaven And pour out for you such blessing That there will not be room enough to receive it.”) Malachi 3:10 NKJV.

    Christianity says what is yours is yours but the Socialist/Communist ideology says otherwise therefore, we can see why the tyrannical tyrants calling themselves and others Comrade, set themselves up in the place of God, as they seek to control our lives and property and also why they really hate true Christianity, the real alternative to their Marxist ideology. Can this comrade continue to fool Vincentians by quoting the Bible?

    And here is another thing that we are advised to do with what is ours; “Honour the Lord with your possessions, And with the first fruits of all your increase.” Proverbs 3:9 NKJV, since it is God who provides accordingly and not the Comrade or any other tyrant.

    “Now may He who supplies seed to the sower, and bread for food, supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness.” 2 Corinthians 9:10 | NKJV


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