OSRS Nightmare Boss Guide

Here’s the strategy you need to beat the Nightmare boss in Old School Runescape
Before we get started on the boss itself, it’s worth mentioning that you will have to complete the Priest in Peril quest to gain access to Morytania if you’re going to beat this Old School Runescape Nightmare boss. It would be a good idea to get your combat skills up to 85 as well, even if you have to spend some OSRS gold in the process.
In this guide, we will be taking a look at the three phases of the Nightmare boss that we have to face, and what you need to do in order to survive them. You should keep your twisted bow away for now too, since you are better using the inquisitor’s mace or even the scythe of vitur.
Phase 1
For the first phase, the OSRS Nightmare boss will single out the tank in your party. If you are the tank, then have pray melee ready, and then switch to ranged when necessary. As for the remaining party members, they should be on different sides to where the tank is. This means that they can ignore any melee attacks since the Nightmare won’t be facing them.
The attacks that you will need to be able to deal with in this phase are Flower Power, Husks, and Grasping Claws. With that in mind, make sure that you have the right prayers equipped and active. If you do become immobilised by Husks, then you will notice the OSRS Nightmare boss doesn’t tend to use Flower Power. With the latter attack, you need to be paying close attention to where your tank is. Make sure that you are not on the same side of the Nightmare as where the tank is, otherwise you can be hit.
Once you have gotten the Nightmare boss shield down, the totems will become vulnerable so start attacking them. When all four are fully charged, they will start to damage the Nightmare, which takes us onto our next phase.
Phase 2
During the second phase, the Nightmare boss will start using the Sleepwalker attack. Getting hit with this will do serious damage unless you dispatch of the spawns quickly. Make sure you have spent some OSRS GP on HP and prayer items, and use the saradomin godsword if you have it handy.
Grasping Claws, Parasites and Curse will be the Nightmare’s choice of attacks. The parasite attack will cause a lot of damage if you haven’t got relicym’s balm or sanfew serum prior to them bursting out. When they are out, make sure to kill them as fast as you can before they can start healing the OSRS Nightmare boss.
When you have drained the Nightmare’s shields, you should then switch to mage gear. Start to charge the totems as you did in the first phase, and it will take you to the final phase. Ensure that you have gotten rid of the Parasites who could potentially start healing the totems.
Phase 3
This last phase sees the OSRS Nightmare boss starting off with the Sleepwalker attack again. The Grasping Claws, Surge and Spores attacks. When the Spores are attacking, be sure to stay at least two tiles away, as this will prevent you from infecting your teammates. The attack can also prevent you from running and decrease your DPS. This can be devastating when the Surge attack comes into play.
The Grasping Claw attack meanwhile is often used there are spores active. In this instance, you need to get an idea of what squares you are able to walk on so you can avoid triggering spores whilst dodging the Grasping Claws portal.
Eventually, you will deplete the Nightmare’s shield and you need to charge the four totems once again. Keep dodging the special attacks and the Old School Runescape Nightmare will be finished once and for all.
When preparing for the fight, there is a few key OSRS items that you should look out for. That said, you shouldn’t need to buy OSRS gold unless necessary to help you fully get ready. You can find reputable outlets to purchase OSRS gold for sale, however. If you are going to do so, then be sure to check out the reputation of the site first. There are a few things to look out for, such as having round-the-clock customer service and support, and you could also check out the reviews of previous customers to give you a better idea.
Have you managed to beat the OSRS Nightmare boss? Let us know your thoughts on the fight you have experience in the comments section below!