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Our responsibility: ending forced child labor

From”Ellie Finkelstein, Freedom United

As we observe this World Day Against Child Labor, we must confront a harsh reality: child labor violations continue to soar into 2024, and legislative efforts to weaken protections are spreading across the United States.  

Efforts to roll back child labor laws leave children vulnerable to exploitation in multiple sectors of the economy. These measures not only undermine decades of progress but also pave the way for modern-day child slavery. 

The urgency is real, and the stakes are high. Take action now.

Take action

Headlines of child labor violations and child labor law rollbacks are dominating the news across the U.S. —

By signing our petition, you join a powerful movement to protect child workers from exploitation and abuse.

Sign the petition

Demand that the U.S. protect child workers, not facilitate their exploitation.

Let’s stand together on this World Day Against Child Labor and demand that every child can enjoy their rights and a future free from labor exploitation. 

In solidarity, 

Ellie and the team supporting Freedom United 

Ellie FinkelsteinCampaigner and News Editor, Freedom United


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