
iLocal News Archives

Painting over genocide

From Ellie Finkelstein, Freedom United

August 25th, 2024

News Digest
Forced labor
Painting over genocide: China’s use of tourism as a propaganda weapon
China’s propaganda machine invites tourists to the Uyghur region to witness a facade of peace and prosperity, all while hiding the brutal reality of forced labor, cultural erasure, mass imprisonment, and violence against Uyghurs. As sanitized “alternative facts” replace the truth, millions of visitors are unknowingly complicit in what can only be described as genocide. Read more…
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Human trafficking
Inside the human trafficking scandal rocking Scotland’s fishing industry
An investigation has uncovered the disturbing exploitation of migrant workers trafficked into a Scottish fishing firm, where they endured grueling hours, inadequate food, and constant surveillance. Stripped of their documents and forced to work in brutal conditions, these workers faced unimaginable hardships while their traffickers largely escaped justice, with no cases of human trafficking or slavery being brought to trial. Read more…
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Detained survivors
Jails in the U.K. hold more victims of modern slavery than perpetrators
Hundreds of modern slavery victims in the U.K. are being imprisoned as criminals instead of receiving the support they are legally entitled to. Trapped in a system that fails to recognize their exploitation, these victims are denied the care they need. Meanwhile, their traffickers remain free, highlighting a devastating failure to protect the most vulnerable. 
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Ellie Finkelstein
Freedom United


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