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Pan American launches new insurance affiliate in Cayman Islands

Pan American Life, Cayman Office Launch 1 Pan American Life, Cayman Office Launch 2 Pan American Life, Cayman Office Launch 3Pan-American Life Insurance Group (PALIG), a leading provider of insurance and financial services throughout the Americas, launched its newest affiliate, Pan-American Life Insurance Company of the Cayman Islands on Monday, September 14th at the Ritz Carlton. The new company, led locally by April Panton, Group Manager, will operate as a Class A insurer providing quality health insurance solutions to businesses in Cayman.

Photo Captions:

· Pan American Life, Cayman Office Launch 1.jpg – (left to right) Bill Schultz, CEO and Managing Director – Caribbean, Pan-American Life; Dr. Joseph Marzouca, BSc, MBBS; Lester Rouse, Unit Manager, Pan-American Life; Mr. Mervin Conolly, Superintendent of Health Insurance, Health Insurance Commission

· Pan American Life, Cayman Office Launch 2.jpg – (left to right) Clayton Price, Managing Director, Marsh Management Services; Gene Thompson, Director, Health City; April Panton, Group Manager, Pan-American Life; Mark Scotland, Director, Aitheras Aviation Group

Pan American Life, Cayman Office Launch 3.jpg – Pan-American Life’s Senior Vice President Bruce Parker; and Vice President of Multinational Accounts, Zuleika Tello with Jeanette Verhoeven, Vice President – Health & Life, Aon Risk Solutions (Cayman) Ltd and her husband Dennis Verhoeven.


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