Pascal Bornet in the SHIFT Mobility interview

“The quality of the business decisions we make daily are critical to ensuring the highest efficiency of mobility.”
In our interview, AI expert Pascal Bornet provides insights into his views on the topic of mobility and its sustainable transformation. He has a clear mission: He wants to make our world more human with AI and automation.
Pascal Bornet is a recognized global expert in Artificial Intelligence and Automation. He is a pioneer in the field of Intelligent Automation (IA) and the author of the bestseller book “Intelligent Automation”. He has received multiple awards, and he is regularly ranked as one of the top 10 global experts in the fields of Artificial Intelligence and Automation.
He has published articles in Forbes, Bloomberg, McKinsey Quarterly, The Times and many other renown publications. He is a keynote speaker, a lecturer, and a tech influencer with more than 700,000 followers. Pascal is a member of the Forbes Technology Council, and a Board Member or a Senior Advisor for several organizations, startups, and charities.
Pascal is also a senior executive with 20+ years of experience leading digital transformations. He is the founder and former leader of the “AI and Automation” practices at McKinsey and Ernst & Young (EY), where he drove hundreds of client transformation projects. He is currently on the leadership team of Aera Technology, an innovative startup in the Silicon Valley.
What will happen if we don´t shift our mobility behaviour?
PB: This would lead to a loss of efficiencies for businesses and a lack in customer and employer experiences. All in all, it is a big issue for our planet.
What do we have to radically invent, improve or change to realize the turnaround in transport policy?
PB: We have to limit transportation to the minimum that is necessary. That means in terms of goods we need to leverage 3D printing and promote local production. And related to people, we have to leverage the metaverse for business meetings, only for critical people (family and experiences) we should travel personally.
What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word “mobility”?
PB: No more barriers to space and time.
Let’s have a look into the future. What will be the most important thing in 10 years associated with “mobility” that comes to your mind?
PB: There are several things that come to my mind. One aspect is the possibility of high-speed travel on earth via space, tubes or drones. Another point is the democratization of 3D printing. Another impulse is certainly the growing connections and experiences via the metaverse, avoiding physical travel. Last but not least, Blockchain technology will be enabling to perform more efficient and transparent transactions.
If you were able to use only ONE mobility solution for the rest of your life – what vehicle/ mobility solution would you choose?
PB: Bicycles and sailboats (because they are 100% green).
Why is your topic fundamentally important to shape the future of mobility?
PB: The quality of the business decisions we make daily are critical to ensuring the highest efficiency of mobility. For example, the appropriate mix of transportation to reduce the impact on the environment while responding to client expectations, or the right choice of products to ship ate the right time and according to a certain context.
What is the greatest mobility challenge for your sector field these days?
PB: Slow, inefficient, costly, paper based, excel based…decisions.
Which mobility best cases particularly impress you and why?
PB: No more product shipping thanks to local production and 3D printing. Avoiding these transportations will have the highest impact on our environment.
SHIFT Mobility