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Police Seize Nearly 3.5 Tons of Marijuana in Colombia

Marijuana - Colombia - 2From Latin American Herald Tribune

The marijuana, which may have belonged to the Los Urabeños gang, was found at four storage sites in a rural area outside the city of Cienaga during “Operation Republica 91,” the National Police said

BOGOTA – A total of 3,436 kilos of marijuana were seized in separate operations in the Caribbean province of Magdalena, the Colombian National Police said Sunday.

The marijuana, which may have belonged to the Los Urabeños gang, was found at four storage sites in a rural area outside the city of Cienaga during “Operation Republica 91,” the National Police said.

The biggest find was made at a site in the hamlet of Palmor, where officers seized a total of 2,457 kilos of pot, while 979 kilos were seized in Jonoluras.

Los Urabeños, a gang involved in drug trafficking and other criminal activities, was organized by former United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia, or AUC, militia federation members.

It is one of the gangs with roots in the paramilitary movement that took over the smuggling routes and organizations of the defunct AUC’s leaders, the majority of whom were extradited to the United States to face trial on drug charges.

The AUC, accused of committing numerous human rights violations, demobilized more than 31,000 of its fighters between the end of 2003 and mid-2006 as part of the peace process with former President Alvaro Uribe’s administration.

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