Post-election seminar

Two Days of Intensive Training for Cayman Islands MLAs
A two-day post-election seminar conducted by the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association began this morning (Thursday, 3 August 2017) at the Legislative Assembly.
Its purpose is to educate MLAs, especially the newly elected ones, about all aspects of the functioning of Parliament in a democracy.
Presided over by the Speaker of the House, Hon. McKeeva Bush, OBE, JP, the seminar was also attended on the first day by six MLAs, three of whom are first-timers. The attendees were: Minister Roy McTaggart, JP, Minister Dwayne Seymour, Deputy Speaker Mr. Bernie Bush and newcomers: Acting Minister Mrs. Barbara Conolly, Councillors Mr. Austin Harris and Mr. David Wight.
The resource persons were led by the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Secretary General, Mr. Akbar Khan and included: former Speaker, Hon. Mary Lawrence, MBE, and former Minister, Mr. Rolston Anglin, JP. From overseas came: Speaker of the Trinidad and Tobago Parliament, Hon. Bridgid Annisette-George, MP; former Speaker of the Bermuda House of Assembly, Hon. K.H. Randolph Horton, JP and Clerk to the Houses of Parliament of Jamaica and CPA Regional Secretary, Mrs. Heather E Cooke, JP.
Opening the seminar after prayers by the House Sergeant-at-Arms, Mr. Kim Evans, House Speaker Bush emphasised post-election seminars as a valuable resource offered by the CPA in member countries.
In his address at the opening ceremony, Secretary General Khan highlighted the need for more women to become representatives because in some Commonwealth countries, there are still no women even though women form some 50 percent of the population, in most nations and territories worldwide.
He also commended the Cayman Islands for holding the May General Election in a manner that a CPA Election Observer Mission found to have met international standards for “democratic, genuine and transparent elections”, with the results “truly reflecting the will of the people”.
After the closing of the seminar tomorrow (Friday, 4 August 2017), Mr. Khan will also conduct the CPA Roadshow for the Cayman Islands’ youth tomorrow at the Town Hall from 3.30-5pm.

Welcoming all, especially the overseas resource persons, to the seminar on behalf of Government, Minister McTaggart urged MLAs, particularly those newly elected to take advantage of the golden opportunity to empower themselves and “understand all aspects of their function as the people’s representatives.”
The training would also provide comprehensive presentations about the process and procedures followed in the House, he added.
Friday’s seminar runs from 9 am to 2.30 pm for the MLAs.

Photo captions: Photos by Bina Mani, GIS
Attendees at the CPA Post Election Seminar that is taking place for MLAs at the LA seen left to right are: seated: Acting Minister, Mrs. Barbara Conolly, Trinidad and Tobago Speaker, Hon. Bridgid Annisette-George, former Speaker of CILA, Hon. Mary Lawrence and Clerk of Jamaica’s Houses of Parliament and CPA Regional Secretary, Mrs. Heather Cooke;
standing: Clerk of CILA, Mrs. Zena Merren-Chin, Councillor Mr. David Wight; former Minister Mr. Rolston Anglin, Minister, Hon. Dwayne Seymour, CPA Secretary General, Mr. Akbar Khan, CILA Speaker, Hon. McKeeva Bush, Minister Hon. Roy McTaggart, former Speaker of the Bermuda House of Assembly, Hon. K. H. Randolph Horton, CILA Deputy Speaker, Mr. Bernie Bush and Councillor Mr. Austin Harris

Minister Hon. Roy McTaggart
Speaker Hon. McKeeva Bush
CPA Secretary General Mr. Akbar Khan
Clerk of the CI LA, Mrs. Zena Merren-Chin

For the official Cayman Islands Government web portal,
Web title: CPA Holds Seminar for MLAs
Web blurb: The two-day post-election seminar for Cayman’s MLAs began with a formal opening on Thursday, 3 August 2017.


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