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Prison intercepts more contraband

Prison Rum 18sept13In the third contraband find so far this week, officers at HM Prison Northward, discovered two plastic bottles containing white rum, as well as a parcel of almost nine ounces of vegetable matter, this morning (Wednesday, 18 September 2013).

These were found in an old paint can, located near the tilapia fish tank at the rear of the prison.

Director of Prisons Neil Lavis stated, “I would like to commend my staff for their recent success in the battle against the small minority who try and supply contraband into Northward Prison. I would also urge those individuals to think long and hard about their actions.”

He added, “Drugs and Alcohol work against our efforts to stablise the population, work with them to be clean from drug and alcohol use, and thereby returning them to society to lead law abiding lives.”

Another package of contraband was found at HM Prison Northward the morning, Tuesday, 17 September 2013. Wrapped in duct tape, it weighed over one pound and contained vegetable matter resembling ganja.

Drugs 132An officer discovered the package near the grow-box area. It was apparently thrown over the prison’s security fences.

Over the weekend officers found two similar packages, with almost 12 ounces of vegetable matter, on the prison grounds.

Since new Prison Director Neil Lavis adopted a zero-tolerance police officers have found and confiscated cellphones, smoking papers, alcohol and ganja. These finds were on the compound or in the process of being smuggled into the prison by inmates.

Drug counseling is available to all inmates. Those found with contraband lose sentence remission time and other privileges.

Although the prison is secured by two parallel 15-foot security fences topped with razor wire, packages are occasionally thrown over these.Drugs 129

Members of the public who commit such offences are subject to criminal prosecution.



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