Prison intercepts weekend contraband
Officials at Her Majesty’s Cayman Islands Prison Northward last weekend recovered a parcel containing a BlackBerry cellphone and charger, a box of smoking papers, and almost five ounces of vegetable matter resembling ganja.
They are working to identify the person seen on camera throwing the contraband into the compound.
Although the prison is secured by two parallel 15-foot security fences topped with razor wire, packages are occasionally thrown over the fence. Members of the public who commit such offences are subject to criminal prosecution, and inmates who intercept these packages lose remission time from their sentences.
In a separate weekend incident, a Northward inmate was found using a BlackBerry device. Although he immediately destroyed the phone, it was confiscated.
Prison Director Neil Lavis commended his staff’s keen observations and swift work. “These operations continue the zero-tolerance policy towards drugs and communication devices, which was introduced earlier this year.”
Mr. Lavis added, “Over recent weeks I have emphasized to staff the importance of these procedures. The urgent responses by officers to suspicions and intelligence in this regard are noteworthy, and I am encouraged by their enthusiasm.”
Even before he arrived in May of this year, the Prison Service had already instituted a no-tolerance policy for cellphones amongst staff members. A new BOSS (body-scanner) chair was also introduced in 2012 to scan inmates, visitors and staff.
While recognizing that cellphone use is a problem for prisons worldwide, Mr. Lavis said new solutions are being sought to address the issue. On the local front, he has vowed to continue the zero-tolerance policy, “as drugs and cellphones are not only major security breaches, but also inhibit prisoner rehabilitation”.
He stated: “I recognise that these problems are universal, and overcoming them requires strategic planning, resources and a combined effort by all stakeholders.
Apart from detection, I believe it is also important to reduce drug use by offering programmes which reduce prisoners’ reliance on drugs.”
1. The package which was intercepted by prison officials.
2. A BlackBerry device taken from an inmate