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Procurement experts advise civil servants

At the 22nd October 2012 Deputy Governor and Chief Officers’ Meeting, caroline Hastings and Roy Towler, two Procurement experts from the States of Jersey gave a brief presentation outlining what they hoped to accomplish during their visit and a brief review of the procurement process used by their Government. – See “Guidance on Procurement” at

The deadline for Performance Agreements to be completed was Friday 26th October.

An update on the Heads of Public Service Conference Week for Overseas Territories in London beginning October 15th 2012 was provided:

Three of the key concepts covered by the UK Cabinet Office in discussing the reform process were:

o          Transparency

o          Process of Rationalisation of the number of arms-length agencies

o          Competition   –   introducing  a  greater  degree   of  competition   between agencies for funding based on results delivery

It was noted that IT infrastructure and the premise of “digital by default” provided a strong basis for improved efficiency and cost reduction.

Although the size of our service differs from that of the UK, the discussions were very useful and very relevant. The challenge now is to take what has been learned and use it to assist with advancing Phase 4 of the Public Service Review.

The CO’s meetings with agencies related to their respective Ministries/Portfolios not only provided an opportunity to hear alternative views on the reform process, it opened a greater scope for interaction with agencies in the UK.

Delegates were able to meet with representatives of Civil Service Learning, and now have access to the portal. Further details in regards to this will be released at a later date.

Other matters discussed were flu shots; circulation of the policy drafted by the Ministry of Education, Training and Employment (ET&E) with agreement to develop a central policy; selection of Employee of the Month; Government Finance Professional week will be held from 26-30 November; Budget Delivery Committee will be meeting on 25 October; Treasury will meet the 31 October deadline for submission of Consolidated Accounts; and the first slate of amendments to the Public Service Management Law (PSML) will be moving forward.

A copy of the whole of the Minutes of the Deputy Governor and Chief Officer’s Meeting 22nd Oct. 2012 can be found at



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