Proposals for an enhanced system of Marine Parks in the Cayman Islands
The Department of Environment (DoE) is seeking the public’s views on its proposals for an enhanced system of Marine Parks, in accordance with Section 9 of the National Conservation Law.
The DoE will be holding public meetings in each District during the coming months to assist the public consultation process which will run for 90 days and closes on Friday, 4th December, 2015.
Dates and venues for the District public meetings will be announced shortly through the local media and on the DOE’s website (
The maps delineate the areas being proposed for enhanced protection.
Please contact to arrange to see higher resolution images of the proposed area or visit .
You may also request meetings for individuals or groups to discuss the proposals by contacting; questions regarding the proposals may also be sent to this address.
Hard copies of the proposals are available for inspection at the DoE office, all District libraries and the Little Cayman District Office.
Written objections or representations with regard to the proposals should be sent to, hand-delivered or mailed to Department of Environment, P.O. Box 10202, KY1-1002
No taking of any marine life alive or dead, including and extending from the shoreline to a depth of 150ft unless otherwise demarcated, except:
* catch-and-release fishing of select species (tarpon, bonefish, permit), with a valid permit (personal or tourist guide).
Licenced Lionfish cullers are permitted to kill and remove lionfish with approved methods.
No anchoring – use of fixed moorings only, except that:
* boats of 60 ft or less may anchor in sand, so long as no grappling hook is used, and neither the anchor nor the rope or chain will impact coral;
* anchoring is permitted in designated Port anchorage areas—contact Port Security
VHF Channel 16;
* anchoring prohibitions may be suspended during emergencies and by permission of the Port Director.
At Bloody Bay, Little Cayman – No tourist boat (commercially operated vessel) shall enter the protected area without authorisation of the National Conservation Council (NCC).
ENVIRONMENTAL ZONE (no rule changes proposed)
No taking of any marine life, alive or dead with no exceptions;
No in-water activities;
Speed limit of 5 m.p.h. or less;
No anchoring.
SPAG ZONE (from the 50ft to 200ft depth contours)
During the Months of December through April, inclusive:
* No fishing (no taking of any marine life, alive or dead);
* No diving (no in-water activities);
* No anchoring.
NO DIVING ZONE (no rule changes proposed)
No SCUBA diving without permission from the NCC.
WILDLIFE INTERACTION ZONE (no rule changes proposed)
No taking of any marine life, alive or dead;
No removing any marine life from the water;
No selling fish food from a boat;
No anchoring in water shallower than three feet or so that the anchor or boat is within 20 feet of any reef structure;
No feeding any marine life with food of any kind or of an amount or in a manner other than as permitted;
Fish feeding is prohibited anywhere in Cayman waters outside a Wildlife Interaction Zone unless specially permitted;
No wearing any footwear in water shallower than four feet (which does not prohibit wearing of flippers while snorkelling in water deeper than four feet);
No tourist boat (commercially operated vessel) shall enter the zone without authorisation of the National Conservation Council.
LINE FISHING ONLY ZONE (from shore to 150 ft depth contour)
Line fishing is permitted; the take of all other marine life (alive or dead) is prohibited;
No taking of conch or lobster by any means;
Spear guns, pole spears, fish traps and nets prohibited, except:
* fry and sprat may be taken with a fry or cast net;
* licensed Lionfish cullers are permitted to kill and remove lionfish with approved methods;
Anchoring permitted (anchor, chain or line must not touch coral).