Public Consultation Planned for Cayman Islands Solid Waste Management Policy
The public will have an opportunity to provide feedback on a draft National Solid Waste Management Policy for the Cayman Islands beginning next week.
During the consultation period of 16 June – 15 July 2015 the public will be able to offer input that may impact the direction of future waste management options, as the process of developing an integrated solid waste management system for the country continues.
The Health Ministry’s solid waste management consultants AMEC Foster Wheeler worked with the Integrated Solid Waste Management System (ISWMS) Steering Committee to produce the draft policy. It outlines a vision for solid waste management, values that will guide public sector work in this field, as well as strategic directions and corresponding objectives.
Accordingly while the vision calls for “integrated, sustainable and effective waste management for the Cayman Islands”, the values stipulate that this must take place in the context of a waste management hierarchy that prioritises reduction, reuse, recycling and recovery, and views disposal as a last resort.
Collaborations and partnerships with multiple sectors are another key area of focus as is the importance of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Policy contributors also stress the importance of personal responsibility in ensuring sustainable waste management, and assert that waste producers should bear the cost of waste management.
The strategic directions section of the document elaborates on these requirements, but also points to the importance of protecting human health.
Urging members of the public to make their voices heard during the consultation period, the Premier and Minister of Health Hon. Alden McLaughlin said the policy is based in part on the premise that for change to be successful, individuals must take ownership of their role in the waste management process.
“Accordingly my Ministry will be working to broaden the understanding of sustainable waste management issues and practices throughout the entire Cayman Islands community,” Mr. McLaughlin said.
Interested persons may visit to review the policy, and an accompanying update document that provides a progress report on consultants’ work undertaken thus far. Hard copies can be reviewed at the following locations:
1. Government Office Building, Elgin Avenue, George Town
2. Department of Environmental Health, 580 North Sound Road, George Town
Comments on the Draft NSWMP for the Cayman Islands and ISWMS Update may be submitted:
1. Electronically via e-mail to [email protected].
2. Mailed to Ministry of Health & Culture, P.O. Box 111, Grand Cayman KY1-9000, or
3. Hand delivered to Ministry of Health & Culture, Government Administration Building, 133 Elgin Avenue, George Town, Grand Cayman.
The Ministry is asking members of the public to submit their comments on the National Solid Waste Management Policy by Wednesday, 15 July, 2015.
For the official Cayman Islands Government web portal,
National Solid Waste Management Policy
What is the purpose of the National Solid Waste Management Policy?
There is an urgent need to research and develop a formal, nationally agreed policy to address the Islands’ long term goals for an Integrated Solid Waste Management System (ISWMS). To date, there has never existed a national policy on waste management in the Cayman Islands. In order to develop the strategy that will inform the procurement of the ISWMS, a sound policy must be put into place. A national solid waste management policy will help the Government to align actions and limited resources toward achievement of short, mid and long-term solid waste management goals.
This National Solid Waste Management Policy provides a framework to guide citizens, businesses, government agencies, institutions, and political leaders in making smart choices for managing the solid waste requirements of all three islands.
What exactly is an Integrated Solid Waste Management System (ISWMS)?
According to United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP),” Integrated Solid Waste Management refers to the strategic approach to sustainable solid wastes covering all sources and aspects, covering generation, transfer, sorting, treatment, recovery and disposal in an integrated manner, with an emphasis on maximising resource use efficiency”.
How does this Policy fit into the overall work being done towards an Integrated Solid Waste
Management System – where are we now?
The steps toward ISWMS must respect the rights and responsibilities specified in the Framework for Fiscal Responsibility (FFR) and the revised Public Management and Finance Law (PMFL). The FFR ensures effective medium-term planning, to ensure that the full impact of fiscal decisions is understood, by: putting value for money considerations at the heart of the decision making process, the effective management of risk, and delivering improved accountability in all public sector operations.
•Completed: Pre Procurement Stage: Preparation of a Strategic Outline Case (SOC)
•Completed: RFP for Procurement of Consultants
•Completed: ISWM Policy Development – draft policy completed
•Due in August 2015: Preparation of an Integrated Solid Waste Management Strategy including short list of Project Options for the ISWMS
•Due in December 2015: Outline Business Case (OBC) for the ISWMS
•Due in first quarter 2016: Commence Procurement of the ISWMS
•2017/18: Contract & Performance Management – Implementation Phase / Project Delivery
•System Evaluation
What is the main objective of the ISWMS?
The main objective is to have a national system in place that will incorporate the Waste Hierarchy as outlined in the attached diagram:-
What international framework shall guide the development of the ISWMS?
As an overseas territory of the United Kingdom, the Cayman Islands’ policy and strategy will be guidedby the Waste Framework Directive of the European Commission (directive 2008/98/ED) which sets out the basic concepts, definitions and principles related to waste management. Waste legislation and policy of the EU Member states, such as the United Kingdom, shall apply as priority under the following waste management hierarchy outlined in the directive: prevention, reuse, recycling, recovery and disposal.
What principles will be followed by the ISWMS and this policy?
Sustainable Management
Waste Hierarchy
Polluter / Waste Generator Pays Concept
Environmental Considerations
Climate Change
Generation Proximity
Incorporate Best Practicable Environmental Option (BPEO)
Where can the public obtain further information?
The public can obtain further information by doing the following:-
•Visiting the Ministry of Health & Culture website at or Facebook page
•Emailing the Ministry of Health at h&[email protected]
•Telephoning (345) 244-2377