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Publisher’s thoughts on Month of the Older Person

Joan head NEWdancingOctober is the Month of the Older Person and these are my thoughts as I am now 81 years young. And I still garden and do my daily exercises on the floor.


Ageing is a life-spanning process of growth and development from birth to death. Old age is an integral part of the whole, bringing fulfillment and self-actualization. I regard aging as a triumph, a result of strength and survivorship.

They say you’re old at forty, and over the hill
But I disagree with this saying and I know you will
‘Cause seventy and eighty year olds are very active today
And serve our community in so many ways.

Mind you, a lot of folks don’t appreciate being called ‘old’
We’re very active and too busy to dwell on years now gold
And there’s no where up that hill they speak about
Over the hill? No way my friends and do not doubt.

Annie Huldah of blessed memory
Taught herself law and became an attorney
Strong in her opinion she didn’t mince her words
A good Christian lady but always ready to draw swords.

And so many others have gone on before us
Well learned citizens who won Cayman’s trust
Teachers and preachers they were so dedicated
Determined that we should be educated.

And educate us they did to the highest of grades
From whence came Cayman’s finest trades
Thanks to Elmslie, Hill, Goring, Hunter, Hicks and Gray
Ricketts, Connor, Hylton, Merren, Ebanks – I could go on all day.

I leave you with a few very serious down to earth quotes:

‘wish not to live long as to live well’

‘one should never count the years – instead count one’s interest’

Old age is not a hindrance to men chasing women – they just have trouble remembering why they’re chasing them’

‘in our youth the days are short and the years long – in old age the years are short and the days are long’

‘what is really important is not the years in your life but the life in your years’

the old believe everything. The middle aged suspect everything and the young think they know everything’

Joan Wilson



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