Source: linkedin.com/in/brad-d-dean
Every major federal agency should have a top level, highly placed individual that is there to make certain that the travel and tourism industry and the federal government are closely aligned.” – Brad Dean, CEO, Discover Puerto Rico (Bloomberg Government)
“Every company in every industry is impacted by a recession, but I think cruising has over time shown to be among the most resilient. I certainly think it’s an industry worth investing and concentrating in. We’ve been through many recessions, we’ve been through these last two years, and I am very, very confident in the future.” – Harry Sommer, President & CEO, Norwegian Cruise Line
“STEs (Small Tourism Enterprises) can take more than two years to recover financially from a disaster so we must find ways to help them get back on their feet sooner and with healthy working capital and strong business development possibilities.” – Nicola Madden-Greig, President, Caribbean Hotel & Tourism Association
“A regional visa regime is something that we’ve been talking about. I think if we are to build Caribbean tourism, then we must recognize that as individual states, we are too small to grow and to benefit from the recovery of tourism as it now stands, but together as a region, we can grow and we can benefit.” – Edmund Bartlett, Minister of Tourism, Jamaica
“We largely missed the boat in the implementation of unified COVID-19 travel protocols throughout the region, but we now have an opportunity to cure some of our inefficiencies as we rebound from the pandemic.” – Bevan Springer, President and CEO, Marketplace Excellence
“My design philosophy can be summed up in a few words – luxury, romance and Caribbean cool. This aligns with the Sandals brand and are the themes we prioritize and focus on when designing a resort.” – Sarah Hartman, Director of Interior Design, Sandals Resorts International (TOPHOTELNEWS)
“Legacy doesn’t start when you’re old, it starts when you’re young. It’s a way of thinking that informs, shapes and fashions your words, your thoughts, your motives, your actions, your attitudes, and your choices … because you know you’re not living for yourself, that you’re part of something much greater than yourself, and what you do matters to generations that are not even born yet.” – A. R. Bernard, Senior Pastor, Christian Cultural Center

Quotable Caribbean is compiled by Marketplace Excellence Corporation, a global public relations, marketing and media company.
Marketplace Excellence, 1812 Front Street, Suite 1814-3F, Scotch Plains, NJ 07076, USA | www.marketplaceexcellence.com