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Rapist pleads “Guilty”

Just before his trial for abducting and raping a 49 year old defenseless woman, Jeffery Barnes (32), pleaded “guilty” in Monday’s (22) Grand Court. He had previously pleaded “Not Guilty” but after some prompting by his attorney he changed his plea that included admitting anal rape!!

Barnes admitted that on the morning of 29th October 2011, he abducted his victim from a bus stop in Red Bay. She was waiting for a bus to take her to work when Barnes approached her with what she believed was a gun that he had wrapped in material. He threatened and forced her into a red Honda Civic automobile he was driving.

Barnes then drove the woman to a deserted spot in Admiral’s Landing, parked the car and forced the woman to have sex. His victim all the time thought he had a gun.

He even told her that in the lake nearby were bodies of people who had been killed!

The woman begged Barnes not to kill her telling him she had four children.

Barnes used a condom when he committed the rape and threw it away after using it into a nearby bush. The police recovered it later for evidence.

Even after suffering that ordeal Barnes tried to rape his victim again. After that the woman refused to get back into the car and told him she would not tell the police. Barnes then drove off and his victim was able to get most of the registration number of the car.

A nearby householder saw the distraught woman and, after assisting her, called the Royal Cayman Island Police Service (RCIPS).

Before this heinous crime Barnes was trying to abduct a very young girl into his car before witnesses came to her aid.

And only a few weeks before any of the above, Barnes was let out of prison after serving a minimal prison sentence for RAPE. His victim then was a 16 year old girl and he received a time in prison of just over a year.

He even appeared on a Government Information Service (GIS) programme that was aired on local television showing prisoners who were “turning their lives around and starting again”. He boasted how he was now a “changed man”.

Justice Alex Henderson adjourned sentencing Barnes to 28th November as there were other outstanding matters against him to be addressed.

One of these matters was a criminal act he committed and was wanted by the RCIPS just before he raped again.

The police described Barnes as “a very dangerous man”.

I have other words to describe him that I am not allowed to have published!!


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