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Rationalisation, succession planning and youth high on Gov CO’s list

ps-550-32Minutes of the Deputy Governor and Chief Officers’ Meeting 13th May 2013

Attendees:- Acting Deputy Governor – Mr. Eric Bush; Mrs. Mary Rodrigues; Mr. Stran Bodden; Mrs. Sonia McLaughlin; Ms. Jennifer Ahearn; Mr. Kevin McCormac; Mr. Samuel Rose; Ms. Jacqueline Wilson; Mr. Wesley Howell; Mr. Alan Jones; Ms. Dorine Whittaker; Dr. Dax Basdeo; Ms. Cheryl Richards; Mrs. Gloria McField-Nixon

Apologies: – Mr. Leonard Dilbert; Mr. Kenneth Jefferson

lgc_diag21.   Welcome

The Acting Deputy Governor welcomed everyone and prayer was offered.

2.   Formal Approval of Minutes

The May 6 meeting minutes were approved by all attendees for circulation.

3.   Matters Arising from the Minutes

. CO Rodrigues reminded CO’s who have agencies that are participating in the new not-for-profit organisation, YOUTH ACT, to confirm their participation in the signing of the MOU and Service Level Agreements on May 14.

. The Acting Deputy Governor thanked everyone who participated in the Feed our Future Dress Down Day on May 10, and to those who were a part of the photo op.

4.   Presentation –  Rationalisation of the Public Service

A presentation was given on the Rationalisation of the Public Service. Chief Officers have been asked to review the presentation and provide comments in writing by May 17.

5.   Presentation –  Succession Planning

CO’s were given an overview of the CIG Succession Planning Model. “Succession Planning is a workforce planning strategy. It is a process designed to ensure that CIG recruits and develops Caymanian talent, to fill each key managerial or technical roles within the organisation. While succession planning is focused on Caymanians, as a responsible employer, CIG strives to inspire the personal best from all its employees.”

6.   Any Other Business

. The Cabinet Secretary thanked everyone for submitting their briefing notes, and asked for feedback as to how this process can be improved in the future.

. CO McField reminded CO’s that all Continuity of Operations Plans need to be submitted.

. CO Ahearn advised that the Healthcare 20/20 Conference, “Taking Care of Business – A Shared Approach to Workplace Wellness”, will be held 17-19 October.

. The health risk factor survey report was released last week and is available on the Ministry

of Health’s website at .

. The first National Sport Policy has been submitted to Cabinet for approval.

Meeting adjourned at 3:45pm



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