Recruits test their fitness
Potential Cayman Islands prison officers recruits test their fitness
More than 60 people hit the track early Saturday morning to put their fitness to the test, in hopes of becoming a new recruit with Her Majesty’s Cayman Islands Prison Service (HMCIPS).
The officer recruitment exercise began at 7 a.m. on 22 October 2016 at the Truman Bodden Sports Complex, where applicants’ overall fitness was tested with four different exercises.
In order to pass the test hopeful recruits had to run a mile in less than ten minutes, complete 30 push-ups and 30 sit-ups, both in a minute, as well as complete a timed agility test on the field.
The 64 potential recruits were chosen to take the fitness test, after they passed the English and maths proficiency tests. A total of 128 people took the exam.
“The exercises are challenging, but they are designed to test the strength, agility and endurance of each individual, which are extremely important qualities for prison officers,” Prison Director Neil Lavis said.
He added, prison officers are placed in a position of high responsibility, and being physically fit is a vital part of the job.
“They play a fundamental part in maintaining the safety and well-being of offenders, Mr. Lavis said. “They are responsible for supervising inmates, keeping order and dealing with individuals who can often be violent.”
Chief Officer for the Ministry of Home Affairs Wesley Howell attended the fitness test to encourage applicants, and also ran with a group of them around the track. Mr. Lavis also showed his support by completing 35 push-ups and sit-ups with the team.
More than a dozen prison officers and leaders were also in attendance to coach each fitness event, and pushed the applicants to give the physical assessment their all.
The applicants who successfully completed the fitness test will be interviewed by Prison Service leaders. Interviews for the seven vacant positions will take place the first week of November.
Photo Captions: (Jamie Hicks, Information Officer, GIS)
Ministry Leaders: Chief Officer Wesley Howell & Prison Director Neil Lavis