
iLocal News Archives

Remote control car race a speedy hit & send letters to Santa

Remote-Control-Cars-CaymanA grand prix car race with a twist was held in Cayman last week (8) to raise funds for a local charity [Feed Our Future] and school when racers operated remote control cars around a track in Camana Bay.

The race, which was organized by Caledonian Global Financial Services, attracted more than 20 companies and 90 individuals from the local business community. It raised more than $12,000 for Feed our Future charity and the Clifton Hunter PTA.

The event included a main race, fastest lap and an obstacle course race. Awards were also given to the best decorated car and the worst driver.

“The event was very well attended and received so much more interest than anticipated that we are looking forward to having it be an even bigger event next year. We are very thankful for all the support and donations from the participants and are thrilled to help support Feed Our Future and the Clifton Hunter PTA,” said Caledonian CEO Kobi Dorenbush.

Letters-to-Santa-Artwork-for-Poster-Print-FileAnd send letters to Santa ……….

Your $1stamp will help feed a child

Your purchase of a $1North Pole stamp will be donated to Feed Our Future to provide healthy meals for children in need in Cayman’s schools.

Purchase a special $1 stamp from Mail Boxes Etc.

Address the envelope to Santa Claus, North Pole

Drop your letter in the red mailbox for delivery to Santa.

Mail Boxes Etc are located in the Galleria Plaza on West Bay Road.

A large percentage of Cayman’s teachers regularly see children who come to school hungry because they aren’t getting enough to eat at home.  Teachers are among the first line of defense for students who regularly come to school hungry and will take action in a number of ways to address the hunger they see in their classrooms or lunch halls.  The reality is that on average many teachers are spending their own money to purchase or provide meals for students in their classrooms that is good.

“On average teachers report spending $25 a month of their own money on the purchase of food for their classroom.”


Teachers will also refer students and parents to resources available such as the free school meal vouchers provided to those eligible by the Department of Children and Family Services.  Free school lunch programs have existed in the Cayman Islands for many years and are vital in providing our children the food they need for healthy mental and physical development, in building a foundation for investments in health, education and economic growth, and in the fight against childhood hunger.

Historical data shows that a large number of children in our public schools rely on subsidised or free school meals. For many children this school meal is the only solid meal they will receive the entire day.  The statistics below show the number of children who have been assisted with school lunches for the past ten years though it has been reported that these numbers are severely understated in that many more would qualify, if they came forward and funding allowed.


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