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Richard Branson’s top 10 business tips of 2013

1387480880-entrepreneurs-top-10-richard-bransonBy Alison Griswold   From Business Insider

PHOTO: Paul Kane/Getty Images and

As the year winds down, Entrepreneur is revisiting the best business advice entrepreneur Richard Branson had to offer this year.

In a recent post, the site recaps the top 10 columns that the Virgin Group founder wrote in 2013. The topics range from preparing the perfect pitch to knowing when to quit your day job. One that we thought was particularly worth revisiting: the secret to success can sometimes be failure.

In a May column, Branson wrote that how people deal with failure is what sets apart the successful from everyone else. “Failure is one of the secrets to success, since some of the best ideas arise from the ashes of a shuttered business,” he explains.

richard-branson-60The strongest entrepreneurs and leaders are ones that have experienced a few failures and have proven their resilience in the face of adversity. “Resilience is one of the hallmarks of an entrepreneur who can stay in business in the long term,” Branson argues.

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Branson’s top 10:

From Entrepreneur By Baura Entis

10. Richard Branson on Preparing the Perfect Pitch

You need to be prepared to pitch your business anywhere, anytime. Virgin’s CEO offers his insight on just how to be pitch-ready wherever you are.

9. Richard Branson on the Best Places to Find Inspiration

Getting inspired to start a new business means paying attention to the world around you. Here’s how the serial entrepreneur finds his own inspiration.

8. Richard Branson on Entrepreneurial Determination

The super successful business owner on what it takes to build your own business.

7. Richard Branson Shares Business and Life Lessons From His Mother

Five important lessons Richard Branson learned from his mom.

6. Richard Branson on Taking Risks

Stepping out of your comfort zone is unavoidable if you want to truly grow your business. Richard Branson discusses some of his own risky decisions and how they helped him grow an empire.

5. Richard Branson on Keeping Your Most Valued Employees Happy

Finding top talent is hard enough, but keeping driven employees satisfied so they stay at your company has its own challenges. Virgin’s CEO offers insight on how to please your most valued hires.

4. Richard Branson on the Secret to Success: Failure

If you haven’t failed yet, you haven’t been in the business long enough. Here, he offers advice on three key attributes every entrepreneur should possess in order to be successful.

3. Richard Branson on Crafting Your Mission Statement

Richard Branson explains how to cut the crap and make a mission statement that actually means something.

2. Richard Branson on Knowing When to Quit Your Day Job

Leaving a stable job to pursue your startup full-time takes courage. Here’s why you should take the leap.

1. Richard Branson on Business Ideas in the Growing Health-and-Wellness Industry

The health and wellness sector is growing; the famous entrepreneur explains why you should get on board.

For more go to:



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