Ride for Life Across America

“One Man’s Word”
L A U N C HI N G S e p t e m b e r 2 0 2 3
The Stars FoundationTM is pleased to announce the launch of the Ride for Life – Suicide & Mental Health awareness campaign.
The “Ride for Life Across America” will generate two one-hour TV specials, which will convey the work of Roger J. Piggott and activists and service groups from Myrtle Beach, SC to Long Beach, California. Roger will be carrying the ashes of a dear friend, Gina Spencer, on her motorcycle, as per her wishes, who succumbed to suicide. The ashes of Gina will be buried on Route 66 at the Bikers Graveyard at Sitgreaves Pass. Gina lost the fight following a lengthy battle with mental illness and depression.
Roger conveys a strong message of hope to the veterans and other marginalized people with mental illness, PTSD, and thoughts of Suicide. These television specials will focus on the current pandemic of SUICIDE among Veterans, First Responders, Teens, Homeless, Native Americans, LGBTQ and Addicts. The television specials created from the 5,000-mile ride will serve as a promotional vehicle to direct the depressed and distraught to counseling and treatment resources, while providing awareness to the National Suicide Helpline, Veteran related services, and Street Ministry Groups.
This is One Man’s Journey, and his resolute commitment to his friend to honor her dying request to be buried at the Bikers Graveyard. Subsequently, grieving survivors of two other families who have fallen victim to suicide have requested that Roger carry the remains of their beloved ones to be buried there as well.
Several media stops by the HEARTS on FIRE Ministry team will communicate the seriousness of the “Suicide Pandemic” especially amongst veterans. The date of the ride is set for early September 2023. The start of the national ride will commence in Myrtle Beach, SC whereby Roger will be taking a sampling of water from the Atlantic Ocean for a ceremony to by Roger at the Pacific Ocean shoreline in Long Beach, California. Active military personnel and Christian riding clubs will escort the entourage from State Line to State Line.
The Ride for Life is supported by the well-known Nashville based charity, The Stars FoundationTM that currently provides global humanitarian aid in many countries and is the facilitating organization behind World Orphans DayTM. Roger J. Piggott is the Ordained Market Place Minister for the HEARTS On Fire MinistriesTM.
Donations are being welcomed to support the Ride for Life by visiting: www.TheStarsFoundation.net
For more Information Contact: Roger J. Piggott

Nashville, Tennessee, USA
T: 615 415 4411 ] E: MotorcyclePreacher777@gmail.com