
iLocal News Archives

Safety First

Stay Alive.Still001This week, GIS Spotlight zooms in on safe driving, lights up the holidays and harks back to Christmases past.

Drivers who fail to take road safety seriously may find the RCIPS doing this for them all through the holiday season and into the New Year. The ongoing road safety campaign Stay Alive has police keeping tabs on traffic to ensure there is no speeding, texting, talking on cell phones or drunk driving.

Join us to get a full picture of police action during the following weeks and be reminded how a few simple steps can mean saving lives.

Stay Alive.Still003Next take in sights and sounds, as GIS Spotlight revisits those homes and businesses whose Christmas decorations get people in the mood to celebrate.

The show’s final stop will be the Cayman Islands National Archive where viewers can hear about Christmas traditions in the Cayman Islands when life was simpler but the joy of the season was bountiful.

Stay Alive.Still004Produced by GIS Marketing and Communications, GIS Spotlight is a government programme about topics and issues that affect you. The weekly show airs Mondays on CIGTV on WestStar Cable Channel 20 at 7.00 pm and on Cayman27 at 6.00 pm on Saturdays. It also broadcasts on Radio Cayman on Tuesdays at 7.00 pm.

All GIS Spotlight stories can be found on the GIS Marketing and Communications website: and on YouTube at the CIGovtInfoServices channel.

All stories seen in the week’s GIS Spotlight can also be found on the GIS Marketing and Communications website: and on YouTube at CIGovtInfoServices.

Comments and suggestions about the programme are always welcome. Viewers can provide feedback by e-mailing [email protected]. (GIS)

Photo captions: Photos by GIS

Police Stay Alive drive aims to ensure roads are safe for all users during this holiday season.



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