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Saint Vincent and the Grenadines has become a country in a government external debt crisis.

Kingstown (San Vicente y las Granadinas), 18 de marzo de 2013. El Canciller Ricardo Patiño se reunió con el Primer Ministro de San Vicente y las Granadinas, Ralf Gonsalves. Foto: Fernanda LeMarie - Cancillería del Ecuador.
Kingstown (San Vicente y las Granadinas), 18 de marzo de 2013. El Canciller Ricardo Patiño se reunió con el Primer Ministro de San Vicente y las Granadinas, Ralf Gonsalves. Foto: Fernanda LeMarie – Cancillería del Ecuador.

By Peter Binose

No it hasn’t, yes it has, no it hasn’t, yes it has. Oh please Dr. Ralph E. Gonsalves [REG] leader of the family dynasty owned Unity Labour Party, Vincentian Government and the plantation known as Saint Vincent, REG you cannot be right when you are wrong, no matter how many times you deny what others write. Every day I am replying to comments by part of your network of political internet protectors who try and prove anything truthful written about you is wrong if it damages you or the party.

I really am becoming fed up with repeating that REG is a liar, but he is, he himself told us he is and since then we have witnessed many examples of such.

In 2001 REG told us that there were investors lining up to invest in SVG if he was elected, that turned out to be untrue.

REG told us of a coalition of the willing funding the airport; there was no coalition of the willing.

We were told that Trinidad would supply free all the tarmac materials, they did not.

We were told that Mexico would supply free all the cement, they did not.

We were told the Venezuela would pay the wages of the Cubans at the airport, they did not.

We were told the airport at Argyle would take three years to complete, it will take ten and the Cubans are laughing all the way to the bank.

We were told that the hospital being built at Georgetown by the Cubans would take three years to complete, it will take ten and the Cubans are laughing all the way to the bank.

We were told that when the airport was finished there would be no public debt, that is untrue our great, great, grand children will be paying the airport debt for the next 100 years.

The government workers National Insurance Contributions [NIS] were not paid and REG’s government borrowed several millions from the NIS, to repay the NIS what they owed the NIS. Has anyone ever heard of anything so outrageous?

We were told that Venezuela would be supplying us with cheaper road fuels and cooking gas; that was untrue. Our road fuel has cost us more at the pump than it would cost in most other East Caribbean countries. The cooking gas is a few dollars less but is of an inferior grade with its yellow carbon monoxide flame.

Our electricity is so expensive that no commercial firms can operate here; the power cost will send them bankrupt. The government have milked the VINLEC company to the door of death.

VINLEC has lost its deposits in CLECO for their pension fund, they have lost it and unable to pay pensions. Ask the Minister of Finance to stop taking profits from VINLEC so as they can put money back in the pension fund.

Our little country is approaching three billion in debt, against the debt the ULP inherited from the NDP of $340 million.

Yes there has been a world recession, but we were told it would never affect us.

We were told we were on the cusp of an economic take off, all lies and more lies. We were in fact on the cusp of bankruptcy.

We have lost our agricultural industry through lack of and inconsistent funding.

We have lost our National Bank. REG you told us selling the bank was a master stroke on your part, that was a lie, because you were forced to sell the bank to get a loan to pay the banks debts.
It was sold or it would have collapsed and all the investors would have lost their money.

We have lost our government supermarket.

Our yacht and charter sailing industry is in trouble, TMM gone, SunSail gone, and Moorings gone. There are several other which may pull out also; the business is about 60% down for several reasons. The main one being crime against boat tourists and the vessels, bringing bad press in international newspapers and online media. The other being the opening up of Cuba which is drawing all the tourism out of the Caribbean, but that is OK because REG has a solidarity agreement with them.

We have lost our roads, many of them are now impassable by traffic, and some impassable on foot.

We have been taken into a Marxist community called ALBA, which may well be the downfall of our tiny country.

According to an international Bank we are in debt to PetroCaribe to the sum of $900million dollars. And all Vincentians know we have no way of repaying that amount.

Government employees are stealing the ministries and work places down, when they are caught they are moved to a different department and their salary is increased.

A major government employee steals $300,000 and is only fined $20,000 and sent home.

All crime of all kinds is totally out of control.

Remember the million dollars in US cash that was hawked around Kingstown in an old bag.

Remember all the US$ cash money by ULP family and friends being banked and spent in Kingstown.

Remember the man with a diplomatic passport who was not employed by the government neither was he a diplomat? caught carrying a kilo of cocaine in London, REG did you arrange that passport? Or was it something to do with Judith Jones-Morgan? The people would like to know REG, how did he get or even qualify to have a Vincentian diplomatic passport?

We have an FIU department which is not doing its job properly. One of the directors spends about 60 hours a week at one of Mrs Gonsalves business’s; how they are able to do that and direct the FIU I really do not know. Tell us REG how do they do it?

We have a police force that is known to beat confessions from accused persons.

We have a police force that is known to pick up people and carry them 20 miles from their
homes before pushing them out of the vehicle and made to walk home.

We have a police force that is employing convicted felons.

We have a police force that has become a political motivated police force, and out of control regarding the public interest, and probably only answerable to dear sweet REG, well he is the minister.

REG I am sorry to say this but I consider you a fiscal dunce, I consider that all the lies that you have told us have only got us into more financial trouble, perhaps because you believed the lies yourself.

I believe that the way you have run the country with spite and malice being applied by someone to citizens who oppose your policies, who is doing that REG? please tell us who is doing that. Who did that to Marcus De Freitus? who did that to Leon ‘Bigger Bigs’ Samuel? Please REG speak up we can’t hear you.

REG why don’t you elect to go before a judge and jury to put paid to all the talk at home, in the region and in the Diaspora, even in most of the World, about the sexual allegations of rape and sexual assault against you?

Dear sweet REG, perhaps it’s time to go to Cuba and seek some medical attention, because like many of the citizens, I am worried about your mental health. After the next election you will have more time to get yourself sorted out. Even a sabbatical before the election with a three month stay at Orange Hill could be useful to enable you to reflect on your past reign, your love affair with the Castro’s and how much you miss Hugo Chavis. Reflect on your solidarity with your ALBA colleagues and the comrades everywhere.

By the way I thought it a novel idea that the NDP government should compulsorily purchase your house at Goss mountain and make it of use for the good of the public by giving it over for use by visiting Garifuna; you know who I mean REG, the ones who are coming to get our houses and our jobs. The ones that the Honourable Arnhim Eustace is going to give honorary citizenship to. Well in your case them having your house at Goss may come true, what a hoot! REG.

Then just to make it more interesting to make you wait as long as the land owners at Argyle have waited for their money due, but still not paid [8 years]. To make you wait as long as Marcus De Freitus has waited to be paid for his property confiscated from him without payment [10 years], despite an order from the courts.

Remember REG, you will meet the same people on the way down as you met on the way up. I worry about your safety because you will no longer have half the police force escorting and guarding you everywhere you go. Please people make love not war, eh REG.

REG you may say you did your best, but that was just not anywhere near good enough.

Goodnight from Manchester REG

Peter Binose

Ps REG a couple of weeks ago I met with the lads that you met in London with Nancy, very interesting eh! What a hoot! I also see that your friend wrote a piece in the Caribbean Times after I told him about it, boy was he annoyed, take a look REG. It’s very subtle but quite effective, what do you think REG, there is more to come I am sure.
I would like to assure the readers of my continued highly respectful and pure diplomacy towards REG. Therefore I have left a lot of content out of this opinion piece in the want by me not to hurt his feelings. Some of you like Helen of Mount Vernon will say he is a man of iron and cannot be hurt, but he apparently can, we have seen that in his quick jump to sue wherever and whenever he can find the opportunity. REG I know you will not appreciate this act of kindness from me, you never do, all those nasty names you have called me and even describing me as an ‘Internet Crazy’, that was not very nice, but I forgive you for that REG. It’s the rest I cannot forgive you for.
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