Scabaret, higher prices, news
From Paul McGowan, PS Audio

For those of you that support us at Octave Records, you likely noticed our latest release, Hothouse Flower by the trio, Scabaret, is more expensive by $10 for the disc set.
This price increase applies only to the physical discs and was necessitated by rising costs of the SACD we have pressed. (Downloads remain at their original price)
There is today only one SACD-capable pressing plant left in the world. It is located in Austria and we have our fingers crossed it will remain alive and well. Should it close its doors that would mean the end of SACD. They appear to be a continuing viable enterprise that we intend to continue supporting.
I trust their recent price increases will help them stay healthy.
And we appreciate your understanding of this price increase and hope you’ll continue to support quality recordings and the musicians, engineers, and artists that make them. Thank you.
But, let us not fret over pricing increases when we have such an amazing masterpiece of musical originality and production excellence to enjoy.
In an age where purist audiophile labels get criticized for always doing the same sort of acoustic this and that, here comes Scabaret. Three of the most talented women I know, along with their producer, Scott Ferris, have crafted a simply extraordinary piece of musical magic.
What they have made may or may not float your musical boat. That’s an individual choice. However, the originality and sheer brilliance of this work cannot be ignored.
It is simply amazing and worth your time to give it a listen.
Oh, and sonically? Wowsers.
If you’d like to get to know the trio Scabaret, watch this short musical journey.
In other Octave news, our long awaited DSD recording studio is nearly finished. On Friday of last week, construction was completed and the cleaners came in for a thorough cleanse. Here’s a link to a short video so you can see what it looks like now that we are ready to start moving in. Once in I think you will start to hear an entirely new level of recording excellence on future releases.