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Sixth UK Overseas Territories Forum on the Oversight of Public Finances and Good Governance

This week, delegates from the Cayman Islands are among 39 Overseas Territories representatives attending the Sixth UK Overseas Territories Forum on Good Governance and Oversight of Public Finance, hosted in the UK Parliament and UK National Audit Office. The Cayman Islands’ delegation includes Hon. Roy McTaggart, MP, Chair of the Public Accounts Committee, Mrs. Zena Merren-Chin, Clerk of the Parliament, and Ms. Angela Cullen, Acting Auditor General.

Held between 10 – 12 September 2024, the UK Overseas Territories Forum on Good Governance and Oversight of Public Finances is an important event for many parliamentarians, parliamentary officials, and government auditors across Anguilla, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Falkland Islands, Gibraltar, Montserrat, St Helena, and the Turks and Caicos Islands.

As the flagship annual conference, focused on enhancing good governance and oversight of public finance, the Forum stands as an important opportunity for parliamentarians, officials, and auditors alike to meet and share best practices.

Sarah Dickson OBE, Chief Executive of CPA UK, said: “Over the past eight years, the UK Overseas Territories Project has brought together people from across the Overseas Territories, the UK, and the Crown Dependencies to share good practice and exchange ideas. The Forum in London will be a great opportunity to strengthen the existing networks and partnerships across the Overseas Territories and build new ones.”

The Forum is hosted by the UK Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, the UK Government Internal Audit Agency, and the UK National Audit Office. Since 2016, the three organisations have worked with the authorities in the British Overseas Territories to deliver training, spaces to share knowledge learnt and insights gained, as well as opportunities for professionals to visit their counterparts overseas.


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