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So desperate she jumped

Screen Shot 2015-11-10 at 4.56.58 PMFrom Walk Free

Njeri* can recall the moment she knew she was finally free – it was when strangers rushed to her aid as she lay crumpled on the pavement after falling from a third floor window.

But Njeri was not pushed, nor did she stumble. She had become so desperate to escape her abusive employers and a life trapped in domestic slavery that she risked her life and jumped. ​

Today, Njeri is back home in Kenya. As she lies in her hospital bed she is comforted by women who have fled similar situations of trafficking and returned safely to Kenya – all thanks to our partner HAART Kenya. As the support group sits and chats it’s clear to see that they are rebuilding their lives and refusing to let their experiences of slavery define them.​

Will you give to HAART to help more survivors like Njeri rebuild their lives?​

Not all survivors receive the care and support that Njeri and her friends have. Shockingly, many victims of modern slavery in Kenya are at risk of being re-trafficked,1 while others are rejected by their community when they return home with no money. Some even commit suicide to escape the mental scars that continue to haunt them from their time in domestic slavery.

HAART Kenya is a key organisation working exclusively to rescue and rehabilitate victims of trafficking in Kenya.

Donate Now

HAART Kenya assesses each survivor according to their individual needs, providing a tailored programme for recovery of psychological and medical support, as well as courses to equip survivors with the skills that can reduce their vulnerability to being re-trafficked.

Our partner is supporting more and more victims of trafficking every day.2 Your donation will help survivors like Njeri to get back on their feet.

In solidarity,

Joanna, Kate, Jess, Jakob, Sophie and the Walk Free and HAART Kenya teams

P.S. Every donation helps build a brighter future for survivors of slavery in Kenya. Please consider making a donation today.

To make a donation go to:

* Name has been changed to protect identity.

1 The 2014 IIbrahim Index of African Governance (IIAG) noted an increase of human trafficking in Kenya from 2011 onwards.


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