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“Social cleansing” at the Paris Olympics

From”Ellie Finkelstein, Freedom United

July 28th, 2024News Digest
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“Social cleansing” at the Paris Olympics
The 2024 Olympic Games have begun following months of preparation by French authorities, who have engaged in what can only be described as a “social cleansing” effort. With no regard for their well-being, French police have been cracking down on those deemed “undesirable” for the image Paris would like projected on the world stage, putting the already vulnerable at greater risk of exploitation and trafficking.
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Child labor
U.S. lawmakers demand data as child labor violations rise
Across the U.S., conservative and industry groups continue to lobby for child labor rollbacks. So far in 2024, eight states have passed legislation rolling back child labor protections. Elected officials have been raising the alarm, but continue to face resistance from fellow lawmakers for a bipartisan hearing to find solutions and strengthen protections. Read more…
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Law & policy
Modern slavery survivors in U.K. denied compensation by government
The U.K. government is failing to help victims of violent crime and modern slavery. Modern slavery survivors who applied to the Home Office for help are unlikely to receive compensation for years, if at all. This failure leaves them without support and extremely vulnerable to re-exploitation. Read more…
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Forced marriage

First Australian convicted for forced marriage
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Survivor stories

From modern slavery to the Olympics: dreams of a survivor
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Ellie Finkelstein
Freedom United

©2024 Freedom United is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that powers Human Trafficking Search.
5400 Glenwood Avenue, Suite G-01, Raleigh, NC 27612 USA


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