
iLocal News Archives

Solomon Studio, Cayman Brac: Join Us for Conversations with the Unspoken Sat June 22

Topic: Conversations with the Unspoken

Order of Events:

* Prior to the event, participants will be asked to consider a conversation that they (or someone else) have been avoiding or forgetting.

(Note Joanna will read a related piece at the start and provide picture/worded prompts)

* ⁠In the first 30 minutes, participants will be invited to create on the theme.

(Note there will be creative starters for inspiration if needed; sharing is welcomed at any point of the creative process).

* ⁠Following the creative process, participants will be invited to share something they have created. (If you chose not to – that’s ok!)

Goal: Create in a way that encourages dialogue

(whether within yourself or another social sphere).

Solomon Studio – Map

Studio Visits: [email protected]

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