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Staff from Cayman Islands Economics and Statistics Office may call on you

static_contentESO conducts field work August 24 to September 18

Staff from the Economics and Statistics Office will be in various communities across all districts between August 24 and September 18, 2015 collecting basic information necessary to update the Household Register.

The Household Register is a list of all household addresses in the Cayman Islands. It provides a sampling frame from which households are selected for surveys.

The Household Register is usually updated prior to the Labour Force Survey. This year’s update is a partial one, where only dwellings listed as “under construction” or “vacant” are visited to determine whether they are currently occupied by a household. Newly constructed dwellings bases on building permits information from Planning Department are also visited for the same reason.

ESO staff members can be identified through their IDs. ESO therefore advises that concerned community members should always ask for the field workers to present their IDs before providing any information. They may also call the hotline 516-3329.




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