Statement on the Terrorist Attacks in Sri Lanka
Chairman of the OECS Authority Dr. The Hon Ralph Gonsalves

Monday, April 22, 2019 — Chairman of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) and Prime Minister of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Dr. The Hon. Ralph Gonsalves, has on behalf of the Heads of Government of the regional grouping of eleven nations, offered his heartfelt condolences to the families and loved ones of those killed and injured in the recent Sri Lankan terrorist attacks.
Prime Minister Gonsalves said the OECS stood in firm solidarity with the Government and people of Sri Lanka as they come to terms with the horror from the series of coordinated bombings of innocent Christian worshippers at Easter masses and of other faiths in nearby hotels.
“We are profoundly saddened by these heinous and indiscriminate attacks which has claimed the lives of both Sri Lankans and non-nationals at a time of hope, peace and joy.
“To the people of Sri Lanka and other affected nations we stand with you now and for all days to come.
“The OECS joins all Governments and people of goodwill in thoroughly rejecting these senseless acts of violence and we will continue to work with international authorities to support the global effort to overcome militant terrorism.
“While words can do little to ease the pain and suffering we offer our thoughts and prayers at this difficult time.
“Let us be heartened that the hope and peace found in our Saviour’s resurrection will prevail over the hatred and malevolence in which these innocent lives were taken” said Prime Minister Gonsalves.