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Surrogacy Horror Story: Legal Limbo for Baby Stuck in Another Country While Mom in USA

india-surrogacy-305Expert, Crystal Travis Speaks Out on Good, Bad and Horrible Global Surrogacy Issues

Crystal Travis, founder and owner of World of is an international Surrogacy Facilitator who helps US citizens navigate the 2.5 billion dollar surrogacy industry in India.

Currently preparing to meet with India’s Health Minister and Health Secretary, Crystal Travis hopes to stop the rise of misleading doctors providing surrogate births in India.

Ms. Travis notes that horrible outcomes from surrogate cases stemming from India have been on the rise recently, illuminating the dark side of this industry.

Case in point, Lisa Smith, a disillusioned new mother, called upon Ms. Travis to tell her personal surrogate horror story. Initially, Ms. Smith, met with World of Surrogacy but chose to work with other doctors. Now in crisis, Ms. Smith seeks Crystal Travis’ help to bring her baby home to the United States.

Ms. Smith says, “my baby was born by surrogacy in India and is now caught in legal limbo. I was misled by doctors in India, thinking my husband’s sperm was being used. Only after the birth did we learn that there was no genetic connection.” India regulations mandate that the surrogate child have one of the parents DNA to obtain an exit Visa from India. In Ms. Smith’s case, she was able to secretly take her child out of India to Africa where she has family. To date she has yet to get necessary visa approval from India to bring her baby home to the US.

Crystal Travis knows intimately how the correct and secure process works. After having three of her own children through the same surrogate in India, her experience and expertise is invaluable. Crystal Travis walks new parents through the process from beginning to end. Ms. Travis facilitates meetings with the surrogate birth mother in India, and knows the right way to obtain all documents, including exit visas out of India for the baby.

Crystal Travis works with Indian doctors who meet European standards and requirements by the Indian Council of Medical Research.

In addition, Ms. Travis points to California as one of the largest states that utilizes her services. Crystal Travis is available to discuss cases she has facilitated through proper channels that have lead to successful surrogate births.



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