SXM Achievers Toastmasters attend Caribbean Conference
From The Daily Herald St. Maarten
PHILIPSBURG–SXM Achievers Toastmasters Club attended the 2018 Toastmasters International District 81 “Caribbean Toastmasters” Conference in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, May 17-20. Outgoing District Director Godalys Reina awarded the club with “Distinguished” status for attaining seven out of ten club goals.
The four-day event included networking and cultural events, informative workshops and training, inspirational presentations by accomplished Toastmasters and the highly anticipated Speech Contest which consisted of table topics (impromptu speeches) and prepared speeches.
Toastmasters were well-treated with Haitian hospitality and had the privilege of visiting the legendary Museum Ogier-Fombrun, going on a mini-tour of the island, experiencing a Flag Day Flea Market and circus act, amongst other things.
SXM Achievers Toastmasters Club recently celebrated its 10th anniversary and holds club meetings at the Asha Stevens Hillside Christian School in Cay Hill at 7:30pm on the second and fourth Thursday of every month.