Strong case for revisiting that EPA
From Barbados Today Close to seven years ago, Caribbean countries entered a new relationship with Europe that promised to deliver significant benefits in support of economic growth and development, building on the achievements of the Lomé Conventions and Cotonou Agreements…
Feds ordered to pay costs in landmark EPA case
By Tony Mauro, From Supreme Court Brief Debate continues over which side really won the landmark U.S. Supreme Court ruling on greenhouse gases issued on June 23. But court clerk Scott Harris has made his own judgment, of sorts; it…
Developers are turning the public cloud into a massive piggybank
By Matt Asay From TechRepublic All public cloud spending estimates significantly undervalue the market, because all miss just how much developers are spending without telling anyone. Head in the cloud Cloud computing is big. It’s so big that major analysts…
Greenhouse gas ruling gives EPA leeway to regulate
Marcia Coyle, from supreme court brief Five years ago, environmentalists endured their worst term in decades, suffering a stunning 0-5 outcome in the U.S. Supreme Court. This term, they are 2-1 and victorious on the most pressing of their issues:…
Finnwatch: 100s of Finnish subsidiaries in tax havens
From yle uutiset According to a new report by the business watchdog organization Finnwatch, Finnish companies have 438 subsidiaries in countries classed as tax havens. The Finnwatch reports says that Finnish companies have set up subsidiaries in countries such as…