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Caribbean countries could benefit from new IMF initiative

From Jamaica Observer WASHINGTON, United States (CMC) — The International Monetary Fund (IMF) says it is adapting its framework for providing support to Caribbean and other low income countries (LICs) amid rising vulnerabilities. The Washington-based financial institution in a statement…

Crime, high unemployment hampering economic growth in Caribbean

By CMC From St Lucia News Online (CMC) – Economic growth in the Caribbean is being hampered by high unemployment among young people regarded as the highest in the world and crime, according to a IMFBlog, a forum for the…

Canada’s financial dominance in the Former English Caribbean Colonies (FECC)

By Tamanisha Jennifer John, Extramural Contributor at the Council on Hemispheric Affairs To download a PDF of this article, go to web link below Introduction Today, Canadian Banks dominate the financial industry of the Former English Caribbean Colonies (FECC), enhancing…

Partnerships between Caribbean and U.S. banks is growing

BY TREVOR ALLEYNE AND KRISHNA SRINIVASAN International Monetary Fund’s Western Hemisphere Department From Miami Herald Caribbean countries were blindsided about two years ago, by a serious threat to their economies from the loss of correspondent banking relationships (CBRs), more colloquially…

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IMF promises to help Caribbean build resilience including risk mitigation, debt management

From Nation News WASHINGTON – The International Monetary Fund (IMF) says it is acutely aware of the urgent need to assist the Caribbean countries to build resilience, particularly in the context of the recent hurricanes that swept through the Lesser…

Caribbean church leaders campaign for debt relief after hurricanes

From Catholic News Service Caribbean church leaders campaign for debt relief after hurricanes In the wake of one of the most disastrous hurricane seasons in history, the proposal to cancel or restructure debts for small islands has gained new traction,…

Alejandro Werner And Krishna Srinivasan: Restoring strong growth to Caribbean

From Jamaica Gleaner Economic and social outcomes in Caribbean countries following their independence were impressive. Per-capita incomes rose sharply, poverty declined, and impressive strides were made in increasing life expectancy, reducing infant mortality, and boosting women’s participation in the labour…

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The Caribbean and SIDS should never borrow or even entertain any talk of IMF loans

By Timil Didier Nkoli From NAM News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. Oct. 13, 2017: It is with great insight and understanding I pen this article as a clarion call for Caribbean governments and Small Island Developing States to avoid…

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IMF Announces an Essay Contest for Students from the Caribbean

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has invited tertiary-level students in the Caribbean to participate in an essay contest on the theme “ Inclusive and Resilient Growth in the Caribbean.” The contest, which is open to students aged 18 to 25…

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IMF concludes visit to Barbados

BRIDGETOWN, Barbados — At the invitation of the authorities, an International Monetary Fund (IMF) team led by Judith Gold visited Barbados from June 20–29 to review recent economic developments and discuss the 2017 budget. At the end of the visit,…