
iLocal News Archives


Why are wild horses brutally uprooted from public lands while private livestock can stay?

The Bureau of Land Management is misleading the American people about the nation’s wild horses and burros. By Ginger Fedak / Independent Media Institute Every year, thousands of wild horses and burros are chased by helicopters and ripped from their…

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Dinner versus the Truth: The problem with Facebook’s content warnings

The decision to prioritize our own comfort and convenience by looking away might feel easier, but it comes at a terrible cost. By David Marten / Independent Media Institute Facebook’s algorithm is considering two sponsored posts that feature the same…

One major way we can reduce the suffering of animals raised for food

Veterinarians have an opportunity to uphold medical ethics—and give the nation’s factory-farmed animals a small bit of mercy when they are killed. By Karen Davis / Independent Media Institute The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) is holding its annual convention in Philadelphia…

The wide role Brazil’s military has played in the destruction of the Amazon

By Pedro Marin / Globetrotter In the Brazilian Amazon, as deforestation reaches record levels and rivers are increasingly polluted, the illegal gold mining contributing to these problems continues largely unabated. The response of the government has been to increase military action to curb environmental crimes…

The Human Mania for Roadbuilding Is a Threat to the Great Apex Predator Species

Tigers and leopards are among the 10 apex predators most threatened by the world’s roads. By Jeffrey Dunnink / Independent Media Institute Designed for speed and efficiency, roadways across the globe are effectively killing wildlife whose futures are intrinsically linked…

On International Respect for Chickens Day, try thinking about them differently

Chickens deserve our respect. By Karen Davis / Independent Media Institute “I hear the universal cock-crowing with surprise and pleasure, as if I never heard it before. What a tough fellow! How native to the earth!” —Henry David Thoreau Chickens are…

Why U.S. political scientists are arguing that Evo Morales should be the President of Bolivia

By Vijay Prashad and Manuel Bertoldi / Independent Media Institute Three political scientists from the United States closely studied allegations of fraud in the Bolivian election of 2019 and found that there was no fraud. These scholars—from the University of Pennsylvania and…

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OPINION: 12-14: ALBA-TCP summit begins in Havana

By Jolly Green Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and other leaders arrive in Cuba to attend the Summit of the Bolivarian Alliance of the Peoples of Our America (ALBA). The Alba was created 14 years ago on December 14, 2004, by…

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OPINION: Landfills, fires and media ethics – In response to the Compass editorial

From Coalition to Keep BT Dump Free Long before the recent flames at the George Town (GT) landfill, the Coalition to Keep BT Dump Free warned of the danger of fire inherent to a dump, and the potential toxic fallout. …