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The Dance Studio gets Red Cross Volunteers moving to a different beat

(l-r) The Dance Studio Owners Mr. Bobby Bodden and Ms. Supriya Singh, Red Cross Director Mrs. Jondo Obi and Deputy Ms. Carolina Ferreira, and dance instructor Mr. Graham Heron.

Cayman Islands Red Cross (CIRC) volunteers are always on the move.  Whether responding to an array of hazards, participating in the various simulation exercises that take place throughout the year, providing first aid coverage to the numerous sporting and other events that happen every week, or sorting the generous donations that arrive every day, there is no question that a Red Cross volunteer must be quick on his/her feet.

However, this past Thursday, CIRC volunteers were challenged to move at a different pace- and to the beat.  As part of their expanding Red Cross University (RCU) programme, the CIRC partnered with The Dance Studio, Governor Square, to offer their volunteers a fun, healthy and different challenge.

CIRC volunteers pose with The Dance Studio Owners Mr. Bobby Bodden and Ms. Supriya Singh and dance instructor Mr. Graham Heron.

“The RCU is our streamlining of the training courses which the Red Cross offers to promote growth and development of its volunteers in such a manner that volunteers can clearly see how to reach a goal, such as becoming a First Aid Trainer or a National Intervention Team Member,” explains Deputy Director, Carolina Ferreira.

While the bulk of the RCU trainings relate to the organisation’s four main programmes- Disaster Manager, HIV & AIDS Education, First Aid and CPR/AED response and coverage, and the Thrift Shop Community Outreach- the CI Red Cross has started partnering with the private sector to broaden the scope of entry level or basic courses to give their volunteers a chance to try something they may not otherwise have a chance to experience.

“Our volunteers work so diligently year round, and as an organisation we have not yet mastered the balance between work and “play”,” explains CIRC Director, Jondo Obi.  “We have focused solely on the work side, but the truth is that as a voluntary organisation based on the principle of humanity we should do more to help our volunteers get to know one another, so we are beginning to incorporate a few more fun, social style events to our very heavy work load, and we are grateful that The Dance Studio was so willing to get us started” she adds.

The Dance Studio’s instructor, Mr. Graham Heron, along with studio owners Ms. Supriya Singh and Mr. Bobby Bodden, were all on hand to help CIRC volunteers’ embark on their dancing journey.

“Our aim at The Dance Studio is to help everyone find his/her dancer,” explains Mr. Heron.  “Much too often you find that people have this incredible desire to express themselves through dance but are too intimidated or fearful.  My job is as much about teaching people the steps as it is to get them to see that everyone can dance, all they need to do is try.”

Trying is exactly what the CIRC volunteers did.  Nearly thirty (30) Red Cross volunteers turned out for the dance lesson last week, and none had previous ballroom dance experience at all.

“At first I was a little scared because I didn’t know what I was doing,” confesses longtime CIRC volunteer, Violet Wilson.  “But Mr. Heron is such a good instructor, he explains things in a way you can understand, and he makes you laugh so you start to relax and you forget how scared you were,” she explains.

“The physical and health benefits of dancing are now very well established, especially with the increase in number of dancing shows on television,” states The Dance Studio Owner, Ms. Supriya Singh. “Yet one of the benefits that is not so readily promoted is how it can build confidence and self-esteem.  Whether someone is taking a Dance Fit class- which uses dance move sequences as cardio exercise- or actual Ballroom Dance, such as Salsa and Tango, there is nothing which can give someone as big a sense of accomplishment as being able to “get” a step.  You need not even master the step- all you have to do is get it once and suddenly the light bulb goes off and you know that you can do it,” she adds.

“It was definitely a bit challenging,” continues Ms. Wilson “but as I started to get a bit more confident, I started to get the steps and it got progressively easier to try.  Now it has given me something to try at home, where I have been practicing!”

“Our volunteers had a great time, and we are so grateful to Ms. Singh and Mr. Heron of The Dance Studio for their generosity.  I know they have inspired a number of people to dance, and it wouldn’t surprise me to see a spring in people’s step when loading a container!” concluded Mrs. Obi

For a current schedule or information on classes, contact The Dance Studio (@ Governor’s Square) on 749-1234 or log on to

For information on the CI Red Cross or to get involved, contact 949-6785 ext. 26,  [email protected], or log on to


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