The divorce rumors are getting stronger and stronger and the accusations have already begun
From Amazing Buzz
The divorce rumors are getting stronger and stronger and the accusations have already begun.
No one will be surprised by the announcement. But they will also be happy to know that Meghan Markle will be dumped without pardon because this is the timetable that the royal family will follow.
Harry will return to the family where he was “imprisoned,” as he so bitterly put it. But he will lose face, be seen as a failure, and be ridiculed after telling the world that Hollywood needs him. This is the man who has announced that he will record videos and conduct one-on-one interviews with the Pope, President Putin, President Biden, Elon Musk, and all others who hope to have the privilege of being interviewed by the King’s son, the most insightful and feared TV interviewer of all time!

Photo credit: UK Government on
Harry has made no secret of his intention to claim his military honorary posts, but not all of them. He is willing to relinquish two of his previous posts: commander-in-chief of the Royal Navy and honorary commander of the Royal Air Force at Honington. These two posts were ridiculed by his wife. The major post he aspires to is Captain General of the Royal Marines, currently held by King Charles. Will the Marines want him? It is doubtful, but if the King tells them to reinstate Harry, the matter will be settled.
Read More:Were Harry and Meghan Being Schooled?
Charles will probably give him his place in the Royal Marines. That will please Harry and be another carrot to keep him away from his companion in Montecito. But to fully integrate Harry into the family, the palace PR machine will have to be very skillful in restoring Harry’s public image.
They know they cannot reintroduce him to the British public if he is blamed for the split with Markle. The palace’s task will not be easy. They will have to figure out how they are going to inform the public about Harry’s return and why he will not have his two children with him. How do you explain to the public that Prince Harry, a devoted father, will be there without his children, the prince and princess?
We can ignore his “desire to work in Africa” because “Africa is my second home and the place where I feel most at home.” Africans now say they don’t want him there.
Read More: Do you think Prince Harry regretted marrying Meghan Markle?
Recently I dined at my regular restaurant, the Waterside Inn, in Bray, a few miles from Windsor. The customers who live in Bray, are loyal supporters of the royal family and know it well. One couple was talking about Harry’s trip to Africa, and someone asked them if he would travel without his children. The two replied together, “What children?”
Harry lowered himself to the lowest level. He has been humiliated in Hollywood. Living apart, his wife has made it clear she wants to go her way. Recently he told someone working to get him home that his life is “hell on earth.”
Whether he deserves this help is another matter
Read More: Harry will be advised on his behaviour
For more on this story go to: Amazing Buzz