The Editor Speaks: Flow was slow
The strange marketing name of Flow that their customers immediately started calling it Slow was apt yesterday (30).
Not only was the Flow telecommunication network slow to non-existence but so was their information about it.
It was only after the service was back to what they call normal did they make any announcement and they called it only a “degradation of service” with no explanation as to the reasons.
This degradation in service lasted from 6:00am until 4:00pm and the only message one got through the telephone was the number we were calling was “out of service”.
As for their statement “Customers were updated through our social media pages and we’d like to thank them for their patience as we worked to resolve the issues,” that is just poppycock!
I get Flow text messages on my telephone and through Whats App every single day telling me about offers and how I can play “Wheel of Fortune” to win vouchers that I have to spend in their store. Did I get a message their telephone service was down through that means and they were working hard to rectify it? No.
There is still no word even today from Flow what happened and what steps were being taken to see that it doesn’t happen again.
Their fixed network system is small and getting smaller and despite the assertion that they would be spending “significant” amounts to upgrade it I don’t buy into that at all.
When things start to go wrong as the oldest communications company here in the Cayman Islands they should do just that. Communicate. Tell us why. Tell us how it won’t happen again. Tell us immediately and not through their social media pages.
Flow is slow but still costs us a lot of dough.
I’m not a poet.
And I know it!