The Editor Speaks: Forget the Florida Lottery – the UK Lottery might be easier
How many Cayman residents play the Florida Lottery?
No one knows the actual figures, as it is illegal for Cayman’s residents to return here with lottery tickets. It’s a form of gambling and gambling is a crime here. So no one is going to shout out to strangers, “Hey, I play the Florida Lottery!”
I know a lot of people here who play the Florida Lottery and if I know I’m sure many of our readers do, too. Heck, some of you are probably guilty of the crime.
To play the Florida Lottery, though, you have to get on a plane to Miami and visit one of the many Lottery outlets – 9/11 stores are favourite. Or you find someone who is travelling there and slip them some dollars ($10 – $20 I have perceived being favourite).
However, that might become a less preferred option.
A new report entitled “Sustainability in the UK Overseas Territories” compiled by a United Kingdom (UK) Environmental Audit Committee has recommended extending the UK National Lottery to the UK Overseas Territories (UKOT’s). And that includes the Cayman Islands.
From the Report:
“Para 20. We recommend that DCMS extends the right to play the National Lottery to UKOTs residents using terminals and via the Internet . When this is achieved, DCMS should direct the Heritage Lottery Fund to accord applications for projects in the UKOTs equal priority with applications for projects in the UK. (Paragraph 42)”
“Para 42. The environment in the UKOTs could be protected by grants derived from the National Lottery. The Heritage Lottery Fund currently funds conservation projects in the UK. It is legally permitted to fund conservation projects in the UKOTs, but it has never done so because the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) directed it to prioritise accessibility for UK residents in making grants. DCMS stated that “there is no bar on Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) making [grants for work in the UKOTs] but HLF’s current policy is to treat any such applications as a low priority.”[75] UKOTs residents are currently unable to play the National Lottery. We recommend that DCMS extends the right to play the National Lottery to UKOTs residents using terminals and via the Internet. When this is achieved, DCMS should direct the Heritage Lottery Fund to accord applications for projects in the UKOTs equal priority with applications for projects in the UK.”
So, if the report is adopted, then all of us here could sit in our homes and play legally the National Lottery “using terminals and via the Internet”.
However, unless Cayman’s law re-gambling is changed, it would still be illegal but trying to enforce it might be very difficult for the police.
Maybe that’s why they are going to have our telecommunication devices tapped? Hence all the secrecy. The powers that be got wind of this Report.
It all begins to make sense.
Maybe the Florida Lottery is a safer bet from prosecution…..