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The Editor Speaks: Strong words from Ezzard but can he deliver?

Colin WilsonwebHe who shouts the loudest will always be heard and there is no doubt that Ezzard shouts as loud as McKeeva Bush and often with more sense.

However, his latest announcement via a telephone call to his favourite media site (at the moment it is – just wait and see if it will remain so if he ever gets a ministerial position) that if he forms part of the next government he will ensure that the West Bay Road remains open, and if it has already been closed by May, he will re-open it.

I presume he has asked his other colleagues who he presumably thinks will be in the same cabinet as him that they are of the entire same mind as him? I presume he knows all the legalities of the ForCayman Investment Alliance? I presume he has sought the opinion of everyone on Grand Cayman? I presume he has discussed with the Governor his view that government was using a part of the law never intended for this purpose to give up the people’s land?

I can agree with Miller completely when he says it is wrong to attempt to close the road when no one knew the details of the ForCayman Investment Alliance. I can agree with him as well when he also questions what authority a representative from Dart has to make announcements in the press that a public road was set for closure next month when there had not been any word from government about it.

He is adding fuel to the fire of the announcement from Paul Rivers, one of the leading campaigners against the road closure, that the campaigners were committed to more serious disruption in order to make both government and Dart listen.

People’s Progressive Movement’s (PPM) West Bay contender, Ray Farrington, has made a huge hole for himself when he announced so quickly that he did not see any need for the road to close when he also admitted he has not seen the full details of the proposed deal and the review, which was undertaken by Price Waterhouse & Coopers. It’s like he is announcing the world is flat even though he hasn’t seen anyone fall off the edge.

I agree with him, however, when he says the biggest problems surrounding the whole deal was the lack of transparency. “No one knows what is really going on and the people need to know.”

I am not entirely sure Dart is to blame for the secrecy of the whole deal. I am convinced a lot of the reasons had to do with the Cayman Islands previous premier, McKeeva Bush. He preached transparency but his glassware was the non-see through type.

It will all remain to be seen or not seen whether anyone can deliver what they say they will do when they don’t know the full facts and haven’t looked hard at the ramifications for such acts.

And a last word of advice for Mr. Farrington. If you want to get elected do not align yourself with one side of an argument almost six month before an election. Make statements that both sides can take some comfort in and make sure what you say doesn’t exactly mean what you say. That is being a politician.

Unless, you are Ezzard Miller.





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