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The Editor Speaks: The curious case of a hit and run driver

Colin Wilsonweb2Anyone who mows down a pedestrian in his car and leaves the scene is despicable.

The cold-blooded nature of abandoning someone you’ve injured galls!

Chuck Sparks, a chief deputy district attorney for Multnomah County who oversees prosecutions of crimes involving hit-and-run, or more formally, “failure to perform the duties of a driver” said publicly, “Decency at its most fundamental level is to treat someone who is hurt and make sure they get help. Drivers have left victims in the roadway, and it doesn’t matter (to them) whether they’re dead or alive … That to me boggles the mind that a human being can do something like that.”

We have had a rising number of hit and runs causing injury and even death here in the Cayman Islands.

The most curious one to me concerns a Cayman based lawyer who has been accused of hitting two tourists in a hit and run on West Bay Road on the 25th January this year.

To be fair the lawyer after hitting the two pedestrians did stop. His red Shelby Mustang mounted the pavement and hit a wall in front of the Villas of the Galleon. That did not allow his car to go on any further. The lawyer is then alleged to have had a brief exchange with his victims before he left the scene before the police arrived.

What he said to the two persons he had just mowed down has not been reported. Both persons, a man and a woman, tourists from the USA were injured. One so bad he was airlifted to the United States, where he underwent facial reconstruction surgery. The woman, his wife, spent some weeks at George Town hospital and has recovered.

The curiosity about this case is the length of time it has taken for the lawyer to be charged with any offenses. OVER THREE MONTHS!

Even more curious is the lawyer was already out on bail over existing charges relating to a previous serious motor vehicle accident.

Bail was again given to him in this later case.

As Alice in Wonderland said, “Curiouser and curiouser.”

Peter Polack, a local defense trial lawyer sent me various documents relating to accused persons who fails to surrender to custody, interferes with witnesses or commits an offence while on bail. It is not generally given!!

An application is generally made to the court to remand the accused.

It is curious this was not done in this case.

Because this case will be going to court I have not named who the lawyer is (it is NOT Peter Polack I want to make that clear!).

I will also not post an opinion on the lawyer who has been accused and charged only with this hit and run. He is not guilty at this time.

What is interesting is that in one US State penalties for drivers who flee the scene of a vehicular accident have not been increased because: “if legislators increase the penalties for hit-and-run drivers, those drivers will have even more incentive to flee the scene”!

If that is the case we should perhaps lower them!

I am curious if anyone will agree with that.


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