The Editor speaks: Trouble in paradise

The resignation of Newlands MLA Alva Suckoo as Deputy Leader of the Opposition that I spoke about in an earlier Editorial, has now started to make some early volcano like rumblings on our Islands of Paradise.
I knew it wouldn’t be long for Mr. Suckoo to keep mum. It’s not his nature and he is an ambitious young man.
He has now revealed that along with himself, other members of the opposition have called for their leader, Ezzard Miller, to step down.
This was the original agreement that was published when the opposition was formed at the very start of the new government sittings almost two years ago. Miller was only to be leader for one year. Then Suckoo would take over.
Miller has refused to give up the leadership.
According to Suckoo he has the support of the majority of the members of the opposition although no one but himself has spoken out.
Suckoo has spoken to the Cayman Compass.
They report he said, Miller has “refused to accept the decision …. It is a constitutional crisis.” And he said there was no clear constitutional process to remove the leader of the Opposition, even if he loses the support of the other members.
We might learn more later today as Miller has said he will entertain questions on the subject.
What we do know is Miller has announced he is forming a new political party called the Cayman People’s Alliance and he will be running candidates in all nineteen districts.
With a volcano starting to rumble Miller had better start to put out the spark that will turn the rumblings of discontent into a fire if he doesn’t do some backtracking. If not he will be a party of one.
This really is a paradise here and the government of the day must be feeling how good it really is with a divided opposition.
How long it will remain so is difficult to judge.
Miller is a very experienced politician and has sided with people who he now opposes.
A day is a week in politics and knowing who your friends are and who are your enemies are lasts just as long.
Miller likes to lead and he has done his turn as being a follower.
This is something Suckoo hasn’t learnt to do and that in itself will make him a poor leader.
The best leaders have worked themselves up through the ranks as history has proclaimed.
It is not a paradise leading, even if this country living here is. And if you are in the opposition it can be hell.