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The Editor Speaks: When “imminent” means “I don’t really know”

Colin WilsonwebThe Editor Speaks: When “imminent” means “I don’t really know” and the new environment law is not even imminent.

Question: When does “imminent” mean “I don’t really know”?

Answer: When a present government minister says, “the value for money report on government’s deal with Dart is imminent”.

Question: When does “imminently” also mean “I don’t really know”?

Answer: When a present government minister says, “the actual NRA agreement, will be finalized imminently.”

Once again at last Thursday’s (5) government press briefing, Mark Scotland, Minister for the Health, Environment, Youth, Sports and Culture used the words “imminent” and “imminently” when he gave the latest report on the Dart/NRA Agreement.

When the media that was present asked why it was taking so long when government had said the latest changes had all been agreed sometime ago, Scotland evaded the question but assured everyone the report would be made public before the general election.

I wouldn’t hold your breath, though, even if you do believe it will be imminent.

Our Environmental Minister, who has even confessed it was a ministry he never wanted, allowed the proposed environmental bill to pass. Not a pass meaning it was tabled in the house and passed. It was just passed. Passed by and left for the next minister of the environment, who probably also didn’t want to be saddled with the job.

It has been no mistake nor published randomly all the stories we have been publishing recently from around the Caribbean and Latin America where the actual government environmental ministers have actually spearheaded and forced through laws to protect the environment in their respective countries.

There are a number published in today’s iNews Cayman.

I was surprised but pleased to see the protection of the environment is included in the Progressive’s Manifesto and the statement, “Conservation and development cannot be viewed as conflicting goals. It is an imperative that they must co-exist as that is exactly what sustainable development is about.”

Of course there was nothing actually stated in the Manifesto that was embedded in concrete as to what exactly the Progressives priorities will be within the environment?

The only emphatic statement about the environment was to keep the dump in the most highly populated and hotel/tourist district of George Town.

At least they didn’t use the word “imminent” anywhere in their Manifesto.

Mind you I didn’t believe much of it anyway. I don’t believe any election Manifestos.

And when neither the Manifestos of the United Democratic Party nor the Progressives were ready at either party’s election launch they didn’t announce they would be imminent.

However, it’s only if they become government ministers they use the “imminent” word.

Judging by the enthusiasm shown at the last Progressive’s Public Meeting they will be forming the next Cayman government imminently.



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