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The Editor Speaks: Why we withheld the name

We published the story today about a 78 year old man who pleaded guilty to stealing $180 from his employer after having had a clean criminal record.

The man, a seafarer, had retired from the company he stole from but had been asked to work again for them as a messenger and to collect the takings from their various stores. He would then deposit those monies to the business’ bank account.

For a reason he has not disclosed, the man decided to take $180 from this money in full view of a security camera. Why did he do this? There had to have been a reason. And I bet it was a reason any of us would have gladly lent or given him the money for. A man doesn’t become a criminal at the age of 74 without a reason!

He pleaded guilty immediately to the offence and showed much remorse.

The man lives with his 80 year old sister and is in harmonious relationship with his family.

The premier, his church pastor and his supervisor at the store provided references of good conduct.

Oh, one other thing, he paid back every dollar of the money he stole.

This all happened in 2008 and four years later he gets his court appearance and the Crown Prosecutor asked for the death penalty. Whoops. Sorry.

However, in the same context, the Prosecutor urged the judge to recognise that his employer had placed a level of trust in him in permitting him to deal with safety of their takings. He urged the judge to send the 78 year old man to prison! To prison!

How much would that have cost the country? The prosecutor obtained (note I didn’t say ‘earns’) more than that for an hours work.

As I said he was a messenger paid a salary of $8 per hour. He took only $180 even though he had access to much more.

This criminal whose life is now shattered thankfully appeared before a sensible judge. I wonder if she was asking the same question I was asking, “Why on earth has this case come to court?” The people who have suffered is us the people who have had to pay for all the court time. The company who were stolen from didn’t suffer a dollar because they were repaid in full.

So who has suffered the most?

The criminal who has become the victim.

He has a criminal record and no one will trust him again. Fingers pointed. He has had to live for four years with mental anguish worrying if he will be sent to prison. He had to hear the words from a prosecutor telling him to his face, “I want you to go to prison”. Can you imagine this man’s fear? His feet must have nearly buckled under him.

So now he has 150 hours of community service to do.

We have been given the elderly man’s name but we refused to publish it. It would have added even more to his sentence that doesn’t fit the crime. I can think of no reason why any one in the media would want to publish this man’s name.

I will call every thug/criminal a “scumbag” and name them in capital letters. I will withhold the 78 year old man’s name.

NAME WITHELD is in capital letters!!


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