The nicest thing you can go for your Thanksgiving host
By Cambria Bold From The Kitchn
Hosting Thanksgiving dinner is no easy feat. It takes a lot of planning and effort to cook and serve that feast. It’s basically the cook’s equivalent to running a marathon: you may have trained for it, but it’s still going to take you five hours to finish. And you probably won’t be able to walk the next day.
That’s why it’s nice to give your host a little something to show your appreciation. You could bring a small gift for the meal or table — a bottle of wine, a bouquet of flowers — or you could do something else, something that will really treat your hosts to the break they deserve. We have one major suggestion that always wins, hands-down.
Bring Them Food for the Morning After
No offense, but after you and the rest of the family and friends have gone home — when the turkey is eaten, the stuffing stuffed in the faces, the rolls devoured, the pie pieces smushed with ice cream and eaten on the couch, the games played, and all the embarrassing stories told — your host is done. Like, done done. Please no more of anything from anyone right now. I love you, but I hate you. Is this the bed? Sleep, please.(You may triple these feelings if you’re an introvert.)
But then, the next morning they wake up and find — oh right! — the bag of bagels and cream cheese you brought them the day before. Now they get to enjoy something delicious on their own time, in bed with the newspaper and the cat, with no obligations to share with anyone else. This is your way of pampering them from afar, of saying,Thank you. I remember all you did yesterday, and how tired you probably are today. So relax, eat, and enjoy.